Aloha friends---
Well, here I am again, back in the lush, green and blue Pacific Northwest. I have to say that when I woke up in the morning (after traveling ALL day and night), I was literally awed by the beauty of my own back yard. We came home in this end of spring, start of summer time, and the view from my office window is nothing short of spectacular. Everything is in bloom--azaleas, rhodies, irises, heather, and my gorgeous golden chain trees. The lawn looks like a carpet of emerald green velvet. Just beautiful. So beautiful in fact that I hardly noticed the gray rain drizzling down...
I guess that's how you know you live in the right place for you--after three decades of looking at the same view, it can still take your breath away.
But now that I'm home, it's back to work. First up is updating my blog. I appreciate all of you sticking with me while I slowed down a bit for vacation, and I promise to make it up to you. First thing, though, I am kind of immersed in motherhood. My son, who as many of you know, just finished his sophomore year of college (yippee!!), came over to Hawaii for a few wonderful days. You can imagine how much I enjoyed that--we sat on the beach side by side, reading, just as we've done for the whole of his life. Then, once we were home again, he went immediately in for oral surgery. Wisdom teeth. Which means, of course, that I've been playing Florence Nightengale and loving every minute of it. Since he's twenty now, I don't get much of a chance to take care of him anymore. :) Next week, we're watching him leave again, for California, and a real world internship. It's so cool to watch our kids begin to really grow up and discover who they're going to be...
I've mentioned the new book, and voila! the copy edited manuscript just arrived--thudded--on my doorstep, so I guess that's on the list now, too. If any of you have questions, by the way, about any part of the publishing process, please don't hesitate to ask. I can tell you that they're working on the cover for the new book, while i review the copy edit and get my last crack at nailing the book exactly the way I wanted to. Which never happens. Every book is simultaneously better than I'd imagined and less than I'd hoped. I guess it's that quest for the perfect realization of one's dream that keeps us writers starting over, one book at a time.
And sorry about the missing photograph. :) What can I say, I screwed up somehow! I'll try to attach it again, or find another one.
So what's new with all of you? Were you all surprised about David Cook winning on Idol? And thrilled about Kristin and Mark? And what are you reading? Don't be afraid to share...
Have I already recommended Harlan coben's Hold Tight? If so, I guess I really mean it; if not, I can't recommend this author strongly enough.
Keep in touch and take care. Say a prayer this Memorial Day weekend for all of the soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much for our country.
PS: The photo worked this time, but it IS sideways. I'm sorry, I have no idea how to fix it! :) Still, it's my view. I hope you enjoy it.