Sunday, July 5, 2009

Okay, our Kristin is way too modest and would never post this so I'm making an executive Firefly decision!! (Yes, Kristin, I know, you'll be wondering why you ever gave me access to your blog! LOL But I know all the other Fireflies would want to celebrate this amazing moment with you.)
FIREFLY LANE has officially been on the New York Times best seller list for SIX MONTHS!!!! SIX MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could not have happened to a better book or a more talented writer. Huge congrats, Kristin. I'm so thrilled for you.
That's fantastic news! Congratulations!!!
I am so proud of you,and I know your mom would.
Big Hugs
YAY! Do you know what position it is in Kim? It should be in the top 10, but I could be dreaming for her. :)
I can't wait for the sequel since she has promised one in the next couple of years, well, maybe more than 2. ;)
Congrats Kristin!
Congratulations Kristin -- from a new blog member! I recently sent you a brief note about how much I enjoyed "Firefly Lane." Within a few hours I received a very warm and kind thank you from Kim. I was stunned as I never expected a response. Due to Kim's note, I spent several hours last weekend exploring your website. The site is amazing -- I feel like I've stumbled upon an intimate and loving literary sisterhood! I was enchanted with the messages from you, the book club chatter and photos, the humor, the recipes and discussions on so many different topics. The website is cozy -- it reminded me of another book I just read, "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society." Although I have read many of your books, including all of your early historical novels, my reading was put on hold for a few years after a brain injury made reading challenging -- I look forward to catching up with what I've missed and following your site.
Again Congratulations!
Patricia T.
I hope your recovery continues to go well for you. I have The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on my To Be Read List...(which is an incredibly long list!!) I hear that is a great book. Another one getting rave reviews from readers I know is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
Kristin...Congratulations on the sustained position on the NYT Best Sellers list. That's awesome. As promised, I read Between Sisters on the my beach vacation. What a great story...I laughed out loud, I cried a bit, and truth be told, I had to FAN myself...hoo boy, and NOT because of the warm weather! What can I say, this book had it all. ;-)
Been promising myself to spend some firefly-time on this site for a couple of days now, but even though I'm officially on summer break, I seem to be working just as hard as during the academy year. I'm now working on a website, flyers, tickets, ... for an event I'm organizing later this year. Lots of fun and a chance for me to show my creative side too, but lots of hard work too.
The thing is, though... I can work really, really hard and feel good about it when I get some kinda reward out of it too. The main reward being respect, appreciation, admiration even. So that is where this blog post comes in. All those people buying your books must be very rewarding, all those people writing little notes on here must be fun and uplifting too and most of all... looking at things from this distance (I'm sure it looks completely different up close - ask Kim ;)) I'd say all the good stuff couldn't be happening to someone nicer and more deserving either.
I loved this book. In addition to Firefly, I have read Between Sisters, Summer Island, and Distant Shores, each one of these books were difficult for me to put down. I am looking forward reading your book, True Colors-can't wait!
As I sit here writing to you, my eyes are puffy and my nose is running. I just cannot stop crying over the Firefly Lane friendship/lives of KateandTully. My husband says why do you torture's just a book. He is wrong. It is not just a book. It is a story of love and friendship that every woman should be blessed to have; so beautifully told. To draw a reader in from the stresses of every day life and make them feel a part of the book is a gift. I thank you for sharing your gift with me. I can't wait for True Colors!
Calling Lisa, TX Firefly. :) I received your note but don't have your email address to send a repy. Can you send me another message (just like you did for the last one) and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks!!!
PS A tip is to use the "preview" button down below. If you message appears as a blog comment for you to preview--it will go through if you then hit publish. Sometimes if you use different symbols, etc. the blog won't publish the comment.
Linda--I'm going to pop over to and check out where Firefly is currently. I know it soared up onto the Times and stayed in the single digits for a wonderfully long time. Six months and still in the top 17 (I just checked). Wow!!!
Leen, you are going to have to give me a crash course on how to make links work on a blog. :)
Hey Kim,
You should be able to just type and it should show up as a clickable URL. Just in case you do not know, you can always use the following to post inside of a blog post, whether it is a comment on this section or a blog entry itself.
[center][/center] (This will center your text between the two brackets.)
[b][/b], (This allows you to bold the text between the 2 brackets)
[email][/email], (This makes your e-mail address become clickable)
[hr][/hr], (I don't know what this does! :) It might have something to do with heading sizes.)
[url][/url], (This will make any web address you type become clickable.)
[img][/img], (This will put pictures within your blog post, whereever you place the IMG codes. In order for the IMG codes to work, you have to have uploaded your pictures to a host site like so that you can copy the IMG code from that picture into your blog post. I use this all the time in forum posts to place my signature file where I want it. Example:
[i][/i], (This makes the text between the brackets italic text.)
[p][/p], (This will put a new paragraph where you want it to start. It is useful for sites where hitting enter twice doesn't always put the proper line spaces between the 2 paragraphs.)
[quote][/quote], (This will wrap your sentence in quote marks.)
[u][/u] (This will underline whatever text is between the 2 brackets.)
I guess I will see if the IMG code worked when this post gets up here. :) This information is great to have for forums and blogging.
I hope this helps you a little! It is still mightly impressive to be in the top 20 after 6 months on the bestseller list!
I actually use the HTML code which is title of website that is clickable. I added spaces between symbols. For photos, I also use the HTML codes which are provided on Flickr or Photobucket versus the IMG codes. Blogger seems to like the HTML. However, when posting comments, like this one, only certain HTML codes are acceptable. I always forget the email coding so that's helpful though I kind of like that my blog doesn't have my email on it.
This was the first book I read by Kristin Hannah. It was an amazing story that had me in tears from the begining to the end. Congratulations on 6 months!
I was thinking along the same lines as what April suggested to do the links. That should work easily and without too much of a hassle.
Sorry for keeping this short, btw, but I'm not in too much of a mood to write a lot, since I've had bad news from a friend of mine too. Apparently, they've said it was probably a minor cerebral hemorrhage he suffered yesterday, so we're worried sick at this moment. On the risk of turning this into some kinda prayer group, I'd like to ask my fellow fireflies to keep him in your thoughts also.
Oh, Leen. I'm so very, very sorry to hear about your friend. Sending hugs and prayers your way.
Will be holding your friend in prayer as well.
Kim, thanks for the reply. It is not a big deal, I am not sure what happened to my post. I don't recall everything I typed except a big, huge CONGRATS !!! to Kristin for the 6 month mark. It's my favorite thing to do when reading my Sunday paper - - I always check the local best seller lists, and the national. Love seeing her name! Love reading her books !!! Sad that I have now caught up and finally read them all, and have to (impatiently) wait for the next one. My favorite is still Magic Hour. I love that little Alice!
My family has been very busy, but hopefully slowing down now. I'll try to blog more often. I love keeping in touch with my Fly-friends!
I am about to start reading Swimsuit by James Patterson. Finally finished Life Without Summer, just last night. Whoa. That was a great book, but tough for me to read at spots. No matter how in love you are, a blended family is tough. The author touched me deeply several times. Really enjoyed the book.
For now, back to work. Hope everyone is staying warm. It's horribly hot in TX.
Hugs! Lisa
I am sorry to hear about your friend as well, Leen. I hope that he is doing better than he was when you posted about his condition.
Did y'all know that there is a new song out on ITunes that is called Fireflies?
If you are familiar with ITunes, then you know that they offer 1 free song per week for download to their ITune users. They also offer 1 free video, too.
Anyway, this week the offering is for a song called Fireflies, and the band is called Owl City. I downloaded it, and it doesn't sound half bad. I thought it fitting because of the name of the song.
You will have to download the ITunes program with Quicktime on your computer if you don't have it already. Come to think of it, if you click on the pink Ipod on the home page here for Kristin, you will be taken to the ITunes store directly. Just in case, here is the link:
I would have sworn less than 1 year ago that I would never get on the Ipod train.. but I just LOVE this little thing. ;)
Enjoy the freebie!
Leen - have your friend placed on a prayer chain that starts with my 90 year old grandma. It's the most amazing group of people, and miracles have happened when they've been lifted up by these folks. Please know they are praying hourly, all day long, for his recovery. Please keep us posted.
Hello fireflies---
First of all, thanks to Kim for posting about the amazing endurance of Firefly Lane on the bestseller lists and thanks to all of you for your congratulations. It sort of feels like we've all done it together, doesn't it?
Dear Patricia T--
Welcome to the blog world of fireflies and friends. It's so nice to have you stop by. I absolutely loved your comments about what it's like in our little cyber coffee/tea/margarita house. I think you speak for a lot of us when you say it feels like a community, and I for one am glad to be a member. Stick around and keep letting us know what's up with you and what you're reading.
Dear Lynn---
I'm cracking up about this idea of you fanning yourself. :) Although I will agree that Between Sisters and True Colors are definitely sexier books for me, I never thought I'd hit "fan status." Woo hoo! I will say that a surprising thing happened to me a few months ago with regard to that book, however. My previous publisher decided to bring Between Sisters out in trade paperback for book clubs. Well, that meant I had to re-read the book to help them formulate reading guide questions, and I was really surprised by what I found. To me, the book had some really funny parts. Occasionally even laugh out loud stuff. Now, I know I'm writing to my own sense of humor, but I was really drawn to the funny bits. I sort of miss that in my writing. I think I'll start adding it again...
Dear Leen--
I think you better settle down and do a little bit of summer funnin'. Enough with all that work. Time's a wastin', gal. This beautiful weather will be over before you know it. So put your work down and your feet up and pour yourself a nice, cool drink and enjoy...
and yes, it is LOVELY to hear from so many readers. Even more than that, it's totally cool to talk to such amazing women. I must be the luckiest author in the world, really, because my readers rock.
Dear Dina E---
I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering the I-just-read-a-book-that-made-me cry blues (and it's one I know all too well), but I'm so glad that you ended up loving it. I guess we all need a good cry now and then, I my greatest hope is that Firefly Lane is also uplifting and life affirming and just a plain old fashioned great read.
thanks for joining the conversation,
Dear Linda H---
Oh my gosh, I'm lapsing into a coma. No wonder I can't do any of that stuff, I can't even follow the instructions with getting a migraine. Kim, I hope you're getting all that. me, I'm just going to keep posting my little photos and feeling superior for that small skill. :)_
But thanks for trying!
Dear Leen--
What in the world could ever be wrong with turning this into a prayer group? The power of positive thinking is a wonderous thing. I'd also add in a quick good thought for a girlfriend of mine who is battling breast cancer. Let's all send a little white light. Just one perfect thought...I can't think of a better use for our time...
Thank you for your nice note and for making me feel welcome.
Couldn't agree with you more about expanding this wonderful firefly blog world to include prayers for others. As you said, this group is a community. It carries with it a beautiful energy that also could be channeled in a wonderfully healing manner. Leen and Kristin, I will pray for your friends and hold them in healing grace.
I know a great number of indivuals facing challenges at this time. My husband's daughter developed breast cancer at 43, the same age her mother died from breast cancer. Sarah had a double mastectomy in 2006 and is doing well. I share this only because I admired her attitude. She refused to use the words "I am going to fight the cancer" as it implied she was in battle -- that was a negative. Instead she always said, "I have cancer and I am doing what is necessary to bring about healing for myself." She saw it as an opportunity and today she remains cancer free.
Patricia T.
This was hands down one of the best books I have ever read! Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story.
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