Free Thank You gift to readers...
Sunday, November 6, 2011

As many of you know, my upcoming novel, HOME FRONT is about a couple whose marriage is in crisis...and then the wife is deployed to Iraq and the husband has to stay home and become the kind of father he's never been before. It's about the price of war on a single, ordinary American family. It's about going to war, and coming home, and the challenges inherent in both.
I am really proud of this novel. I learned a lot about myself writing it, and a lot about the world, and about the sacrifice our citizens make on a daily basis to keep us all safe. I can't wait to hear what you think about it. I'll be touring in early February--hope to meet many of you then.
As a thank you to all of you, my faithful readers, and in honor of Veteran's Day, I'd like to offer you all a FREE downloadable copy of a short story I wrote several years ago. (I'm sorry that it's not available in print--maybe another time; I hope). Along with the short story, you'll receive an excerpt of Home Front. I hope you enjoy both. And thank again for all of your support over the years...
Let me know what you think!
Is it the short story in the Mothers and Daughters anthology? It sounds like it was. I asked on Facebook whether it was revised or just being released in ebook. Either way, it's free, and I'll download it. I preordered for my Kindle app, but I'm hoping Barnes & Noble has it available as well (it does not as of yesterday).
I know I'm going to give in and read the excerpt and then it'll make the wait crazy!
Hi Kristin!
I'm going to try to get your ss for my mom's nook! I still don't have my own :)
Thanks and I can't wait!!
I can hardly wait for Home Front! And thank you for sharing The Glass Case - I just pre-ordered it from Amazon!
It sounds like I will love "Home Front". I'm very much looking forward to reading it.
Is there some place on this last post that I should be looking for that downloadable short story? It's not audio, right? By "it's not in print" you just meant it wasn't published, yes? I didn't see a link or anything, but I've been known to miss things that are right in front of my nose. :-)
All the best,
Hello! I am so looking forward to the new book!
Where can we read the Short Story? I do not see a link for it.
Keep up the great work! I truly love your books!
I am not sure how to download the free book, I am excited to read it!
Thanks for the help!
Missy in AZ
Hey Kristin!
I tried to send a post through, but I don't know if it went in for approval. So if this is a duplicate, please delete it.
Where can one find this short story The Glass Case that you mentioned, Kristin? I can't find a link to it on your blog or on FB. Did I miss it?
Linda in NC
Where can I go to download The Glass Case. I checked on B& N and they did not have it available.
The Glass Case is an ebook which you can read on any ereader or device that has an ereader device or on your desktop.
It's available on Amazon for the Kindle and Kindle app, iBooks, and B&N for the nook and nook app (it was just added this week). You can also find it on here: to read it on your desktop. I believe both the nook and Kindle apps can be downloaded and used on a desktop or laptop. I know the nook can.
The short story is just that and shouldn't take long to read on your laptop or desktop. I actually read it on my iPod which I don't normally do because the screen is small, but that's what I had available until it showed on B&N.
Thanks April,
I don't know why ebook format/Amazon didn't occur to me!
Ta-ta-for-now everyone!
Happy Holidays, All!
I fear this blog has been sacrificed on the altar of Facebook. :-(
Our book club was one of the lucky groups to win copies of Night Road for our February discussion. Just finished it and loved it! As the parent of a teen age driver, I could feel Jude's fear, but was so upset with her at the second half of the book. The emotion was quite powerful for all the characters. Looking forward to the discussion.
I've actually a new fan. I got "comfort and Joy" for Christmas and started it about 11:00 last night. Stayed up til I finished it at 4:00am. Loved it.
Just looked at your tour schedule and see you are gonna be at one of my fav book stores in Raleigh. See you there!
I still think of all of us "Semi-original" bloggers... Lisa from TX, Leen, Lynn, Kim Fisk of course, so many more. Yes, I was pursuaded to finally join Facebook, but Kristin DID say this blog would always have her heart!
Kristin, my prayers are with you!
I feel less overwhelmed by the blog than the hundreds of Facebook folk. It's nice to see more familiar faces here.
My book club was chosen for copies of Night Road as well. Some of us had already read it so we're not doing a formal read. I also gave an extra copy to my mom.
I'm planning on going to the Bethesda (Washington DC) signing. I've already taken a half day off from work to go. My friends may or may not join me, but I told them I'm going regardless. I can't wait. My plan is to buy the ebook when it's released and buy a hardcover at the signing.
Our Book Club, BookBabes , of Fargo-Moorhead , was one of the lucky winners of Night Road to read for our January meeting. We had a very spirited discussion of this book and found it worthwhile in that it touched so many life and parenting issues. We all had different emotional reactions to this book and recognized that these came from the different frameworks of our past and past family experiences. All of us have a professional psychiatry background which may have caused us to over analyze Jude and other characters! We appreciated the depth of the characters and their interactions. This is a good book for parents of teen-aged children to read in regard to alcohol use by teens. We felt this is an excellent book for book clubs to read as it generates good discussion and sharing of feelings. Thank you very much for the opportunity to read this as a group. Diane from BookBabes
We are the Literary Goddesses of Mendham, NJ. We received this book through St. Martin's Press and were asked to provide comments summarizing our discussion. The novel started out predictable with some discrepancies in character development, but after the crash, the characters and story becamed better developed. The description of the setting was impactful.
Some of us related to Jude's reaction after the crash, while others thought Jude was being selfish and lacking campassion for her son, husband and granddaughter. How each character dealt with their guilt was so diverse and added to the complexity of the story. The book club had alot of discussion around how to communicate with teenagers on the dangers of drinking. All in all, the Goddesses enjoyed the book.
Good eye, April! It is the story from the Mothers and daughers collection. I hadn't read it in years. Glad to be able to offer it for free. :)
Thanks, Michelle! i hope your mom likes the short story!
Thanks, Emily! Let me know what you think of Home Front!!
Hi Tracie Lynn-- You know I am so tech challenged, so I don't know how to post a link. :) You can go to or Amazon and download it for free. There's a way to get a paper copy, but I don't know what it is. I saw people talking about it on facebook. Does that help? :)
Hi Kait---yes, tech challenged, so no link. :) Go to or amazon. Just click on's free!
LInda H---did you find the short story on amazon or I hope so!!! See you in a few weeks!
Hi Lynn!!! Not totally sacrificed. :) I still love talking to all of you over here, I'm just crazy busy these days. Don't give up on me and I won't give up on you guys. :)
Welcome, Barb! I look forward to meeting you... :)
LOL...April, Michelle, Leen, Linda, Lisa---you "originals" will always have my heart. :)Glad you're enjoying the books still...
Thanks, Diane! I'm so glad your book club loved Night Road!
As one of the groups who received Night Road, the Uneven Dozen was pleased to discuss the book at our February meeting this week. This book club is comprised of "mature" ladies with adult children (over 25), and we all belong to the same church. The spirtual connection was a key ingredient in our discussion. Some many of us had lost spouses ot others close to us. We talked a lot about the complexity of the character and the ways that grief plays out in life. It was also interesting to find out opinions of who the books was really about - Jude or Lexi. As someone else mentioned. we had very different emotional reactions. This is a good book for parents to start them thinking about how to interact meaningfully with their children and provide the correct kind of parenting based on the child's needs. Thank you very much for the opportunity to read Night Road.
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