Show your True Colors
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Well, as you can see, it's finally really here! The cover for True Colors. What do you think???
As for me, I think its absolutely stunningly beautiful. I love the salmony pink color and the soft focus image of the three women and the shells on the raggedy looking porch. Most of all, I love that they've given me a "look," which just means that this cover is a great match to the Firefly Lane cover.
Here's some of the the information that's on the back of the advance reading copy:
Women across America laughed, cried, and reconnected with their friends after reading
Firefly Lane. Now Kristin Hannah explores the complex dynamics among sisters
in her spellbinding new novel.
True Colors is a novel about sisters, vengeance, sibling rivalry, betrayal--and ultimately
what it means to be a family.
Those of you who check in to the site regularly know what it means that the advance reading copies are ready! It's coming up on contest time. Something along the lines of "share your favorite story of sisterhood" is in the works. In the past week, I've been speaking with the lovely woman who manages and designs this site, and we're gearing up to do an update in early October, but I just couldn't wait that long to show off the cover. I know how impatiently the fireflies have been waiting. :)
And here's just a sneak peek about the story. Set on a horse ranch in western Washington, True Colors is about three sisters whose lives were shaped by the loss of their mother. Raised by a cold, distant, disapproving father, they banded together and became close. There's Winona, who has spent a lifetime struggling with her weight and seeking her father's approval, and Aurora, the middle sister, who just wants everyone to be happy, and Vivi Ann, the beautiful, romantic dreamer, for whom everything seems to come easily...her father's love most of all. But when Vivi Ann makes a fateful decision to follow her heart, events are set in motion that will test the bonds of their sisterhood. It's a story about how easily a family can be shattered, and how hard it can sometimes be to put the pieces back together, and how deceiving looks can be.
Part family drama, part legal thriller, part love story, I think True Colors is story that will really suck you in and keep you reading. I hope so, anyway! Well, more on that later...
I wanted to thank everyone for the input on the Fireflies T-shirts. We're definitely moving in that direction. I'm talking to people and figuring out which way to go. Keep giving me your input. I really appreciate all of it.
Finally, I'd love to ask you all what you'd like to see on my website. Is there anything that's missing? Anything that bugs you? Speak up! Let me know...
Aloha for now--
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!! It's perfect and you are right, stunning! I can't wait for everyone to read it so we can talk about it!
love the cover! I guess I better get firefly lane read before this book comes out!
I absolutely LOVE the cover!! And the excerpt already has me hooked!! I can't wait to read it!!
Hey! Kristin, the cover looks amazing. I felt like I was sitting at Winnie's house. Is that what was supposed to happen?
My hubby and I watched Fringe and loved it! I love shows we can watch together, we were on the edge of our seats most of the time. As for True Blood, this week, it was okay. I've heard reviews that it picks up at the 5th episode, so I'm still hanging in there. I loved Six Feet Under, so I am staying on course with True Blood.
Dawson's Creek was a teeny bop show I watched, Katie Holmes was in it, so I admit I watched, I am okay with that, I'm among fireflies.
In addition to buying the t-shirts (I see visions of the Firefly Lane blue), how about a online button to donate any amount of funds AND we have an online blog week/month devoted to raising funds? I know a lot of us blog, so we each post with a link to the shirts and have our readers/friends also post- like one of those emails you pass along? Oooohhhhh… maybe an email could be made up to pass along if you don't have a blog! I am getting excited.
Lisa, did your family have any damage from Ike?
I am reading When Women Say Yes to God by Lisa TerKuerst and also reading Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I got sucked into the Dark Hunter world.
In honor of the True Colors Cover, Here's my review on the book - for some of the newbies (I won an unedited manuscript in July, which nearly gave my dog a heart attack as she was the only one home when I opened the mail!)
This book is scheduled to come out February 2009. Kristin Hannah’s new book True Colors takes us on a journey of sisterhood and love- perhaps the title should have been The Things we do or don’t do or do later for love. I thought it would be hard for KH to outdo herself after writing Firefly Lane, but this book delivers such a exquisite story of family, love, choices, jealousy, hope, passion, prejudice, faith and no faith, I was breathless at times reading about this to the bone love.
The family ranch, Water’s Edge, is in the beautiful and cold state of Washington. In her description of where the story takes place, I felt like I was sitting on the fence at Water’s Edge. It is incredible how original and fresh Kristin Hannah writes about the kind of love that makes a person whole- and some never experience this kind. You think you know exactly where the story is going and then, BOOM, turn and then another turn, and then another. The secondary characters come off the page, giving them so much life, you start to care for all of the people entwined in the story.
I don’t want to give too much of the story away, but this book was like a Christmas Present to me. As every piece of paper was torn away from the package, there was a gift of a story that I will not soon forget. I was sad when I turned the last page, and the story ended.
You CAN’T miss reading this story. The intensity and dynamics that Kristin Hannah brings to the table with her books is ever present, and the romance in the story, is of the same caliber.
I also, *love* the cover. I love the colors and the shells.I do like it when a cover ties into the story well. Can't wait to read it!
I love the cover and I absolutely love your books . Can't wait to start reading this one.
Suellen M
The cover is stunning! I just had to come out of deep lurkdom to say so - I cannot wait to sit down and read this story. Firefly Lane was fantastic and True Colors sounds like it will be too.
Wow, Cindy! I'm sold! The cover is very nice too! (especially when compared to my cell physiology book! Whoo!)
Is the jacket going to have the matte finish like Firefly did? Plastic type covers are a pet peeve of mine and I always throw them away. The matte on Firefly was swanky!
I'm really looking forward to the law thriller aspect of the book - with Kristin's law background it's going to be some genuine good stuff.
The only thing I'd like to see on your website is a sneak chapter from your book! ;)
But really, I'm just happy that you blog and - even better - respond! It makes my day when you write back!!
Hope your trip preperations are going well :) I finished Angel Falls for the second time around over the weekend, thanks for writing it!
I love the cover as well. I was very curious as to what it was going to look like. My only thing is that all three sisters look very skinny when a lot of Win's storyline was tied to her body image. I love the pink, and I'm glad there aren't horses. That's more of a personal issue I have though. It's going to be so pretty in person!
Cindy, a friend lent me the entire Sherrilyn Kenyon series so I'm making my way through the Dark Hunter series as well. I don't know when I started reading so much paranormal (probably when the market became inundated with such books), but I like the series so far. I'm only on Night Pleasures, but I have the next 2 books and the anthologies waiting for me. We've had some family issues making life a little busy so that's cut into my reading time.
Laura and Lisa---
I'm so glad you love the cover. I have to say, I do, too, and that's a pretty amazing moment for a writer. To be honest, we often don't have much input into how our books are packaged, and so its a real treat to be blown away. I've had a few covers over the years that I would have liked to have blown up. :)
Can't wait for you all to read it!
Dear Verlee--
Welcome to the Fireflies' blog!!! We're thrilled to have you. I'd love to know how you stumbled across us. And now that you're here, don't be shy about joining into the fray. We love to hear from people, don't we girls?
Dear Cindy---
LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea about the online blog link and somehow linking us to all of the other blogs and sites that you guys are a part of. Just think if we fireflies could really fan out and spread a very quiet message of action. But as you know, I'm practically in the stone age technologically, so I need you to explain exactly what you're thinking and how to make it work. Especially explain the passalong email. It's an idea I love but don't quite understand. Don't forget, when you're explaining, talk slowly and use little words to balance my computer-idiocy... LOL.
And yes, Fringe sure rocked last week. I can't wait to see it this week. Unfortunately, I'm going to Portland, Oregon tonight for a book conference. I wonder if they'll get fox in the room??? Hope so. Of course, I'm supposed to be editing...
kAnd thanks again for your great review of TC. I am so so glad you loved the book. I loved the characters in this one--they were all flawed but cool, didn't you think?
anyway, ttfn, gotta to catch my flight...
Lynn, Suellen, and Anita--
Thanks! I'm glad you like the cover...hope you love the book!
I have to say, I really enjoyed using my legal background for a change, and the thriller aspect kept the book moving at a clipper pace, although you know me, it's still all about the emotions. :)
Thanks SO much for the idea of a sneak peek. I guess I should have thought of that. :) Great idea. Will pass it along. And yes, TC has the great matt cover look of FL. Cool, huh?
Welcome, welcome, welcome!! So glad you unlurked to visit. now don't be shy about chiming in. If you'd like to, tell us a little bit about yourself. What books do you like to read, tv shows, etc.
So glad you've joined in and hope you stick around.
I have to be honest, I don't spend much time on the site. I look at the front page, and then I hop over here. I love the blog. *g*
I do think the cover is really nice. It's warm and you get the sense the book is ultimately about the women in the picture and that it takes place near an ocean. But it leaves enough up to interpretation that I think a lot of people will pick it up and look at the description on the book flap.
The cover is even more gorgeous in person. The graphics came across really well on the blog, but I think when the Fireflies see it in the stores, they'll notice it's more a peach than a pink. And the name is a foil. So...perfect. Yes, Kristin, you have been blessed by the cover gods lately. And no one deserves it more!!!
I didn't think I could love a cover more than Firefly Lane...but this one is A-Mazing! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Can't wait to read it!!!
(a fellow firefly girl)
While I'm at it, I might as well write comments to two posts... especially since I'm actually really excited about this one!
The book cover. WOW! Can I just read it now? When I'm at a book fair, I usually look for a couple of names of authors (like Kristin Hannah - even though I've read everything already, I might as well buy an extra copy for a friend to read or so), but I also go through tons of books looking for something new that appeals to me. I have to admit that after several hours of reading the contents on the back flap, I often get tired of that, though. I just can't concentrate anymore after such a long time. Which is when I start to go by the general "looks" of the book. Colours and pictures on the cover that appeal to me, that is.
In all honesty (and not just because Kristin is the only writer whose website I regularly visit and whose books I totally devour): this book would definitely get my attention in such a way. I don't even have to read the contents to actually be able to come up with a story already. Shells for something that plays in the neighbourhood of the sea, three girls for sisters (be it in blood ties or just friends) and warm colours for a warm atmosphere, possibly in a warm climate or because it's mainly a summer's tale, but most probably also a heartwarming account of how people (in casu: the three girls) get to find one another in friendship.
I never knew that writers don't have much say in what the cover of their books look like (doesn't make much sense to me!), but I guess the person who designs these for Kristin must really "get" her. Even the porch is just perfect: old and weathered, as if it could tell a few stories of its own if porches could recount everything they ever witnessed, it just adds that extra romantic touch to the image.
So if I didn't know who wrote this novel, I think I'd pick it up, just going by the cover and/or the writing on the back. And then once I'd be absorbed in the story, I'd probably recognize Kristin's writing style and think: "Bonus... it's a Kristin Hannah novel!" :) Only it'd never happen that way unless I stopped reading and writing on here. Which isn't about to happen anytime soon.
I'm way too tired to actually think about things to do with fireflies t-shirts (which isn't exactly my kind of thing anyway - I'm not too creative) or changes to the website (definitely something I should be good at figuring out) at this point, though, so I'll just see what's in the other comments to fill the rest of this story with.
Actually... changes to the site is something I DO want to write about. Kristin, you asked me in a comment on another post what subject I teach (while giving me a compliment once again about how my students are lucky to have me as their teacher - wouldn't it be nice if they thought the same way?), so this is the right moment to answer that one: I'm a computer science teacher in college. So my "kids" are about your son's age and some of my classes could be kind of interesting for you to take too, from the sound of it. ;) If any of my few female students this academy year is kind of slow at learning how to program, I'll think of you and apply all the patience I can bear to produce. :) Little words, Leen... you can do it! :)
I have to agree with Naomi in that I mostly just skip the actual website, though. I have your blog in my favourites, so that I don't have to go the long way to get here. I don't know... maybe I miss out on things that way, but I guess the blog is just more appealing? I like the design of the site and such, but I fear that all the news I need to know is already on the blog, so why would I read anything else? Maybe the site is just more aimed at people who don't really know Kristin Hannah all that much yet and still have to discover what she's all about? Whereas the blog is for those among us who already know Kristin the writer and whom you so graciously offer quite some insight in Kristin the woman, wife, mother, friend, ... too? Personally, I like that kind of setup and I wouldn't change it at all, if I were you. But then that's just me!
Even though... if there's one thing I would change in next update to the site... I hope it involves a new colour scheme along the lines of the True Colours cover. But then the current design matches the Firefly colours also, so I guess that's just an obvious remark.
And since I can't state anything but the obvious anymore, it should also be obvious that I'm getting way too tired to continue this. At 3:30 AM my brain has finally given up on me. Time to let someone else do the talking again. I'll sneak back in in the morning to see what kind of replies there are, even if it means getting told of for talking gibberish. ;)
I visit the main page sometimes. If I'm at work, the blog is bookmarked, but it doesn't bookmark at home so I go in the main page. I occasionally browse.
In the Book List page, the short stories aren't listed. I have 2 because I'm weird like that. I was just wondering if there was a reason they're left off. If you have copies, it would be neat to see the different covers of your books. Some authors do that and I find it fascinating. Either just the evolution of the domestic cover or covers from other countries.
I love the latest round of covers given to the historicals. I actually have the cover model covers and was really impressed by the new ones a couple of years ago. I actually rebought one, but I ended up giving it to a friend. I know I don't have the original The Enchantment cover, but I have the next version. I had the opportunity to buy the original, but I kind of like the one I have. It's part of the reason why I bought it.
I love the cover and I certainly look forward to reading "True Colors". I just finished reading all of Kristin Hannah's books from "A Handful of Heaven" to "Firefly Lane", and I must say I have enjoyed all of them. The earlier works were definitely more romance while the later books have become focused on relationships, friends, sisters, husbands and wives, so forth. Anyway, the point is I am thrilled I will only have to go a few months without reading one of Kristin Hannah's books!!!
Thanks for the needed "escape" I have received in reading all these wonderful stories!
Hi Kristin,
Love the new cover and am looking forward to reading it.Have some great stories about sisters as I am the middle one of three.To bad I don't write.So glad you are all supportive of breast cancer,I am a five year survivor.My sisters were so important to me during surgery,chemo,and radiation--thats a story in its self.T shirts are a great idea.Hope you have a wonderful trip to Africa,the trip of a life time.
A big hello to all my Firefly friends.
Hi Sheila
Two of my girl friends both vet are in Texes helping with animals.They are both with CAAT of Canada--we all have been busy raising money.They are with CAAT of Canada and do very good work
Where in Canada do you visit?
Hugs to All
Big Hug To Kristin
Kristin, this cover is amazing!! I can't wait to read this book. I love sister stories! :-)
This book sounds so good.
Hey, guess what, I got my book club to read Magic Hour for our next meeting. I LOVED that book.
I also loved Firefly Lane.
I am VERY ANXIOUS to read this True Colors.
The colors are so beautiful, and I believe it will catch a readers eye!
I have to say I love your comment about the porch. That's exactly what I thought when I saw the art! Amazing, huh? It's especially cool because the story revolves around a family that has lived in the same house for several generations. So far I've only come up with a story for these three sisters, but the previous generations have stories to tell, too, so maybe someday I'll go back to historicals. Who knows?
And thanks for the thoughts on the site. It's interesting to learn that there are blog people and site people--I mean, I guess there are people that only go to the site, although, as we all know, I don't update it as often as I should, so most of the new cool information is definitely here. You guys all really help with that. Honestly, it's you fireflies who make the blog work. You're all much more interesting and funny than I am. :)
But keep your eye on the site in the next month or so, because the colors will be changing...
Thanks so much! I agree completely with you. I didn't think they could possibly come up with a cover I'd like as well as Firefly, but they did!
That's an interesting point about the4 short stories. To be honest, I didn't even really think about it. The one I wrote in 1992 has been republished several times, but I really don't know what's going on with the one I wrote for the mothers and daughters collection. I'll see if I can find out.
I'm not surprised that you can't find an original Enchantment. It got repackaged fairly early because the original cover was expensive, unique, and really sexy. :)
I'd love any other input you have on the site. I'm redoing it right now, so all infor is helpful!
Great to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear that you've been reading all the backlist and enjoying it. Tell me a little bit about yourself--what kind of books do you generally read? Who are your favorite authors? And which of my books did you like best? Enquiring writer minds want to know... :)
That's one of my fav names--my mom's name, in fact. Congratulations on your five year mark. That's a great milestone. My dad just reached his five year anniversary, too, and I was so so happy to celebrate it with him.
I look forward to reading your sisters entry--it sounds like you'll have a great one!
Kelli and Kari---
Thanks so much! I'm glad you love the new cover. I feel incredibly lucky...
And Kari--so glad you liked Magic Hour. Alice is one of my three favorite characters I've ever written. She just stole lmy heart.
Well, I know one of the original covers has the redhead. I have the stepback cover with the gold front.
I have two copies of Liar's Moon, I think, in two separate anthologies. That actually was an accident.
The Mothers and Daughters anthology is one of my favorites. I really loved the entire book which is rare with anthologies. I see it around every so often.
Hi K, The cover screams READ ME!!! I love it and can not wait to read it... WHEN??? I can't get my hands on this soon enough! I have read almost all the others.
Can't wait!
Charl from MA
Kristin, that is a gorgeous cover! I am so excited to read it. I was glad to have been able to read an excerpt but just the thought of your coming out with a new book made me want to read it! February seems like a LONG way away!
Andrea Marshall
Kristin, I just love your books even though they often make me cry.I have read about ten of them, just finished The Things we do For Love.
You must have a few sisters (I have four, all of whom I love dearly) because you write so realistically about the dynamics of sisterhood and family life.
Kathy from Canada
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