Home Front pub day 1/31!!!! It's almost here...
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy January, fellow readers! This is a big month for me, as many of you know. It generally takes me about fourteen months to write a novel, so to have two books out in the same month causes quite a stir around the Hannah household. My Home Front tour is coming up fast. I'll be in the following cities between Jan 31 and Feb. 17: Seattle, Poulsbo, Santa Monica, Pasadena, San Diego, Washington DC/Bethesda, Raleigh-Durham, New York, New Jersey, Long Island, Miami and Vero Beach. You can find exact times and dates for these events at Kristinhannah.com or on the events tab on my facebook page. I hope to meet a lot of you!
For a homebody like me, the tour-a-palooza is a big undertaking. I'm supposed to be preparing for it, and I guess I am. As I sit here, in my cozy living room, sipping a cup of tea while I talk to you, I have a pile of clothes and shoes that need to be gone through. I make it a firm rule to take only carry on luggage on tour--so yes, this means that many of you will see me in the same outfit, but it also means that its easy as pie to move through the airports and there's no waiting for luggage when I land. I guess we all have to prioritize, and for me, I pick time over fashion. :) This will come as no surprise to any one who knows me...
I'd like to thank all of the book clubs who have read and embraced Night Road. It has been so much fun to hear from you--both here and on facebook. The book seems to be doing exactly what I'd hoped--sparking lively debate and conversations. It's so cool when a book can make a group of women come together to share their feelings and opinions and thoughts.
To everyone who bought Night Road and read it and told their friends, I want to say thank you so much. Your support and enthusiasm helped propel the novel onto the New York Times list and to keep it there. You rock!
And now, on to Home Front. Drum roll, please, this is my newest novel, and it will be available for sale on Jan 31. If you want to get it on day one, you can preorder your copy on Kristinhannah.com today.
As you all know, I have written a lot of books, and many of those books have touched on some powerful, emotional themes. I can honestly say that this one, Home Front, has become my favorite. There are probably a lot of reasons for that--it's a timely, provocative story about a husband and wife who have stumbled into hard times in their marriage and just as they're trying to decide what their future holds, the wife--Jolene--is deployed to Iraq. Her husband, Michael, is left at home, waiting for news, and must handle fatherhood in a whole new way. This is not a story you've read before--I promise you. I truly fell in love with my heroine this time. Jolene is a true hero, both at home and in wartime. I won't say any more, because its more fun to discover a book's secrets for yourself. But be sure and let me know what you think!!!
And now, I guess I better haul myself back over to that pile of clothes that need to be sorted through. Anyone on my tour route--tell me what the weather's like in your neck of the woods. :)
Thanks again for joining me here. I'll be sending out a newsletter next week with all kinds of cool interview links. So, I hope you're on my mailing list. If not, you can go to my website and sign up.
Man, I wish I knew how to post a link here... :)
Sending you sunshine and aloha on this rainy January day. Hope to see you soon!
I preordered the ebook. I will buy my copy of the hardcover at the 2/10 booksigning. I've already taken a half day off of work to avoid rush hour traffic and be in the first handful of people. I have a lot of anxiety going to booksignings so getting there early helps me to control all those feelings. Ha. I'm pretty sure I've been to that bookstore before, but I'm not positive, but I'll figure it out. Can't wait - and it's quite nice to see you two years in a row! hee
~ april
Can't wait to see you again, April!!! :)
Our book club had an interesting discussion of Night Road with various comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the characters and their relationships, as well as the book's insights into mother/daughter relationships, control of others, and letting go of grief.
Our club was very appreciative to have received free books from you and look forward to another meaningful book to discuss at a future book club meeting.
Hey Kristin!
Right now in Raleigh, it is in the mid 60s during the day and hitting below 40 at night. I haven't heard about February 9, 2012 yet, but when I do hear of it, I will let you know here or on FB. If it goes like most of January and so far all of February, it will be the same. It is unreasonably warm for February and January. This time last year, we were digging out of snow in our driveway and going stir crazy being cooped up in our house for 5 days with my mom and aunt in the house too. My husband was losing his mind, and I was getting to the point that I was ready to pack them both up and make them walk home, LOL.. I love the snow normally, and I do welcome the winter when it comes. It almost borders on hot for January and February this year. I wanna see some COLD weather! Anyway, you should probably bring a light sweater and/or a sleeveless blouse or top with you so that you will be good either way the weather falls on the day you will be here. Maybe one of those sweater twin sets or something. That way you won't be cold if it is cold, and you won't be hot if it isn't!
What is your favorite color by the way? I have always wondered about that!
I can't wait to see you again. I have preordered Home Front from Amazon, and they say it will be delivered by January 31, 2012. Let's hope so!
Linda in NC
OMG!!! Just finished reading NIGHT ROAD - what an insightful novel about consequences, communication, pain, friendship, motherhood, relationships... I cannot wait for my book club to meet so we can discuss the book together. There is so much subject matter to talk about! Thank you for this book - it allowed me to see and feel and understand what people who suffer extreme loss must pass through... I am not a crier but this book pulled it out of me without even trying... and kept me hanging until I finished and learned where life led all of the characters.
I'll be looking for Home Front the next time I pick up a book!
Sue G
Our book group enjoyed the book - Thank you! See: http://desertgirlsbooks.blogspot.com/2012/02/night-road-by-kristin-hannah.html
Hi Kristin! Just finished Home Front, read it in one day, couldn't put it down! This book is so different from what you've written before, but so good too! I do not come from a military background, so all of this was new to me. I have more of an appreciation for what people are going through - I've even looked up how to send care packages to soldiers abroad. I'm a long time reader (used to post frequently on your blog until school got insanely busy) and just wanted to tell you congrats - you've made another heart wrenchingly beautiful story.
CONGRATULATIONS I FEEL LIKE CELEBRATING. ALL your powerhouse novels-- from Between Sisters- should have debuted at #1.
Can't tell you how much I loved that book. How blatantly bittersweet. As I said on Facebook, I want to jump in and knock one of the characters around.
See you next Tuesday ??:) And I'm prob at least as nervous as April-- I get so emotional.
Our book club in McDonald, PA, reviewed your book, night road, today, February 14th, 2012. Our club was lucky enough to win 12 copies of the book. Interesting today was the fact that comments on the book went along generational lines as we have club members from the 30s to the 70s. Older members could not relate well to the coldness of Judith's mother, nor to Judith herself as such an enabler. Younger members felt that Judith needed a life of her own rather than the vicarious life she lived through the twins and felt Miles needed to be a stronger father. All agreed that this novel was a magnificent blend of diverse characters.
I won copies from bookreporter for my book club[ night road] I was thrilled! I have a small group; only 7 of us and we have been meeting 2 and 1/2 yrs. We are planning to discuss the book in march and i will let you know about our discussion. Everyone has loved it. We are women ; but my husband read mine and he loved it also! Looking foward to reading more of your books. veronica mackinnon[ from lincolnton, n.c.]
Our Book group won copies of Night Road from Readinggroupguides.com and we just had our discussion this afternoon. This was my first Kristin Hannah book, but several of our members were already fans.
This was a great book for an inter-generational book group for two reasons: first because the book created such a cross section of generations in the plot and second, because the issues that came up were surprisingly timeless.
I am the mother of two recent high school graduates, but many of our members are older...having dealt with similar issues and then watched their own children deal with it with their grandchildren. The questions of taking and teaching responsibility to emerging adults has not changed as much as might be expected in this modern world.
We were all surprisingly able to identify with a number of the characters and I suspect that this book would also give younger readers (teens and 20-somethings) plenty to talk about.
Thank you to Reading Group Guides for this great support to our reading group!
Our book club just finished "Night Road" and really enjoyed it...everyone was hooked from the beginning...our conversation centered around themes of motherhood (most of the women in our group are new mothers) and Jude's "helicopter" parenting style (we thought her husband was loving, patient and amazing with her "issues"); Lexi's choices and journey (her story was my favorite); grief/loss; and the judicial system.
Thank you for a great story that opened us up to great conversation and the chance to look at our own lives and choices. I have read almost all of your books and am looking forward to "Homefront"...I also love that your books are centered in the NW (I am originally from Seattle and now live on Maui). :)
~ Angela (The Maui Book Club)
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