NEWS FROM AFRICA and I missed it.
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dear Fellow Fireflies, as I said in my last blog post, I have failed you. Kristin called this morning AND I MISSED IT. In fairness, I think it only fair that you strip me of my temporary queen firefly title. BUT I could tell by the sound of her voice she's having a wonderful time. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I think of Africa, my thoughts turn to movies like:
Out of Africa. Sad, very sad.
I Dreamed of Africa. Sad, very sad.
The Ghost and the Darkness. Gruesome. Very gruesome.
The Ghost and the Darkness. Gruesome. Very gruesome.
Not a happy ending in the bunch. But then when you see the cute and cuddly pictures of those dear little lion cubs, well who wouldn't want to see them up close and personal? Then again, Mama Lion would be near...
When Kristin first told me where she was going, I'd never been so happy she was a runner. Run Hard and Run Fast were the only words of advice I could offer. But now, after hearing her voice on my answering machine, I know all is well. :)
Did anyone else happen to catch Samantha Who? tonight? Very funny. Samantha decides she wants to go to Africa but after one visit to the doctor's office and learning about all the shots and pills she must take, she fakes the trip and then runs off to somewhere warm and tropical with her girlfriends. Sounds exactly like something I would do. :)
Labels: Africa
Africa update. Received another text message from Kristin. She and family are heading to Zanzibar today. Every message I get from her, I can just hear the joy and excitement in her voice. I can't wait until she gets back and we can hear all about her adventures. She wanted me to make sure and tell all you Fireflies hello!!
Awesome! So glad she's having a blast. Kim, it's okay, but don't let it happen again, K? Seriously, you're doing a great job. Please tell her hello from us fireflies!
BTW, I don't text much. Seems like a waste of time. Now, if I had one of those phones that has a little keyboard, I may change my mind.
I saw Iron Man this weekend, great movie. I fell asleep during the new Indiana Jones movie (son and hubby stayed up for the double feature, us girls couldn't hang in there!) they loved it.
Currently Reading, Faefever (Karen Marie Moning). Could someone answer my questions? I have a gazillion of them!
The Lion King is only mildly sad. :) Oh and what about the Toto song? That's not sad.
I'm finally getting to Tribute by Nora Roberts.
Mostly, I'm trying to clean the house for Baby's first birthday on Saturday. I have to admit I haven't done much yet.
Don't feel bad, Kim. We'll let it slide this time! LOL
I agree with you, April. That Toto song "Africa" isn't sad at all. In fact that's one of my favorites. I LOVE singing along with it and I don't care who hears me! Tell Kristin that we are thinking about her and really looking foreword to hearing about her adventures! I bet she's having a blast!
I forgot to mention something. When I first saw that adorable picture of the lion cubs, I thought that it was one that Kristin had taken! I was thinking "Here she was, worrying about how her pictures would come out and then she sends us one like that! LOL I'm sure her pictures are wonderful and I can't wait to see them!
Thanks for keeping us updated!
You guys are going to be so proud of me! :) Kristin called again--and this time I was home. It was so wonderful to hear her voice. It was 7:30 at night in Africa and 8:30 in the morning at my house. I think she was a day ahead too. Sheesh, how she figured out the time difference is beyond me. Every time she heads to Hawaii, I ALWAYS screw up the time thing and end up calling her at like six a.m. Very embarrassing!!! Surprise her hubby hasn't banned me from calling. :) But back to her call. She was sitting outside, under a thatch hut, watching the sunset and a heard of antelope run by. What I found so fascinating were that the antelope were the size of cats. Also, I don't think conditions are nearly as rough as I envisioned. LOL As we were talking, I heard the distinct clinking of ice. Cocktail hour in the middle of the bush!! :) They are headed out for their next adventure so hopefully she will have cell phone service and give us another update. As always, she is so sweet, her questions are about how we are all doing. I, of course, just want to skip over what's going on here and hear about all her adventures!! She promised me she has taken tons and tons of pictures. I so can't wait to see them. (And Andrea, I'm sorry about the lion cub pic. I should have been more clear!!)
Cindy, for being so sweet and not taking away my temporary title--what questions do you need answered? Fire away!! If I can help in any way, I'm here. Just saw Iron Man, too. Really enjoyed it. Haven't seen the new Indiana Jones movie but after hearing you fell asleep, not thinking I need to run out and rent it. :)
I don't know about you, April, but for me the biggest stress about having people over is getting my house in order. I mean, I keep it picked up and it is not a total loss, but with all of our busy lives and the hit and run as I call it (getting home from work, dumping everything before running kids to various activities, trying to throw a dinner together, do a load or two of laundry, etc. etc) it becomes a little difficult to keep the place looking like I would love it to. As to The Lion King, I BAWLED like a baby when daddy lion died. (But by now, you all know what a crier I am, so no surprise I'm sure. LOL)
Okay Andrea and April, I am going to go out on a limb and probably completely embarrass myself here: but what Toto song? When you say Toto, all I can think about is Dorothy's dog. There's probably this really popular musical group I am totally unaware of. :) And Andrea, am heading over right now to read your "Getting to Know You post!!"
Hi kim
You have done such a good job for us,and I thank you,Glad Kristin is having such a great trip.My dream trip is about three months in South America--shots and all.Our son and wife have spent some time all over soth america,and love it.May join them and see a small part of the continent.No Kim I do not text--Its all I can do to type.You all have young kids to help you out,and I have to go to classes.Hope I get to meet you sometime--I know I would like you.
Hugs Sharon
Kim, thanks for keeping us updated!! I'm glad she's having a good time. And hopefully not run into a situation that requires the use of the just-in-case TP :)
Oh, and I'm mostly small animal. I like the large ones, but I'm just not hardy enough for that kind of work. (I'm small and don't have the kind of muscles to help birth a calf, and I hate being cold outside at 2am covered in poo or placenta) But it's about a 50/50 split with large/small in our class.
Toto was a group in the 80's. They had a song called "Africa". I'd mention lyrics, but I make them up. Also, I can't hum over a blog. I'm sure there are audio clips online though. I'm sure you've heard it before.
I wondered about the Toto song too - I'll have to go to Rhapsody or something. I just dropped in to say happy weekend and I'm so happy that Kristin is having a good time. In my previous posts, I didn't mention much about what I've been reading - Kristin (of course!), Nora Roberts, Susan Wiggs, Linda Lael Miller, Cherry Adair, JoAnn Ross, Allison Brennan - to name a few and the list goes on and on. On TV, I watch a variety of shows from Two and a Half Men, CSI, the Mentalist, Ghost Whisperer, Pushing up Daisies to the PBS shows like This Old House or Hometime. Just thought I'd share my wide range of authors and the TV shows I enjoy. Thanks Kim, by the way, for keeping us updated on Kristin's exotic vacation! I hope the good news keeps coming.
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