Skiing into 2009
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy day after Christmas to all my friends online!
On my last post, I sent you all some lovely pictures of a thin layer of snow in my backyard. I obviously wasn't listening to the news and didn't know that the mother of all storms was blowing our way. And boy, did the Pacific Northwest get hit. You know it's unusual when little ole Seattle makes the national weather news. We haven't been hit this hard since I was in grade school. It was exactly what every kid dreams of--school closures, sledding hills, and snow angels. I'm sure there was more than one mom in town tearing her hair out, trying to figure out how to finish her holiday shopping/cooking/cleaning with the kids home. :) Worse yet, the mail was totally lost. UPS, Fed ex, and good old Uncle Sam were as shut down by the snow as everyone else. I don't know about my neighbors, but I can tell you that after feeling awfully superior that I'd finished my shopping online, I was totally bummed to discover that several of my packages were stuck only a few miles away and wouldn't be delivered in time.
The good news was that my son's flight was unaffected and he made it home on time, as did my brother and his family, who had taken a week in Hawaii. It seems impossible to believe that only two months ago I was sitting on a beautiful white sand beach.. Here's the beach, in fact. It's on a small island called Mnemba. 
Now here I am, bundled up in layers and layers of clothing, watching my own breath. And skiing...
Here's what I have to say about skiing. From a distance, it looks like a fairly low impact sport. I mean, you're riding up to the top of the mountain in a chair, and then you're sailing down in the deep snow, letting gravity do it's thing...and then you try to do it when you're out of shape. And that's me right now. Totally out of shape. I went to Africa for a month and my only exercise came when I lifted my fork, and then I came home and I was behind on the book for 2010, so I sat down and started writing. I told myself I had no choice--it was raining in Seattle, so how could I run? Every day, I thought I'd run the next day, or I'd go to the gym. But then I'd stay and write another page, or shop for christmas presents online or go see a movie (I had to see Twilight, didn't I???). Anyway, the point is that for two months, I didn't work out much, and man am I paying for it now. I'm trying to keep up on the slopes with my twenty year old son, and it's killing me. Killing me. Today, I had to literally drag myself off the slopes and onto the sofa, where I collapsed, gasping.
So, New Year's resolution #1: January 1st I start running again. This goes along with resolution #2, which is that I quit eating everything in sight and saying, "it's Christmas," to myself and others. :)
Resolution #3: I read more books by authors I've never heard of. This year I discovered Michelle Richmond and Chelsea Cain. Who knows who'll I'll discover next year?
Resolution #4: Spend less time doing nothing and more time doing something. Volunteering my time and efforts to my favorite causes--breast cancer research, books to Africa, local families in need.
That's the list for now. I still have a few days to compile the rest of it. How about you? What resolutions are you all making this year?
Well, as out of shape as I am, the snow is calling to me again, and I must answer. What can I say? Skiing has been in my blood for most of my life. There's nothing I like better than riding the chair with my son and watching him fly down the slopes, hearing his laughter whoop out over the snow. So, here I go again, teeth gritted, determined to fight my own body for supremacy. Wish me luck...just as I wish you all luck, good fortune, good friends, and time with your family in this lull week between the end of one year and the coming of the next.
And don't forget the True Colors contest. The entries are literally pouring in. I hope all you fireflies have earmarked your entries...
Aloha for now...
Oh, I love to ski! They make it look so easy, but it is really tough! Living in Louisiana, we don't get to do it very often, but since we've been married, Wayne and I have skiied at Heavenly (Lake Tahoe) and in Breckingridge. There is just something about that "powder" for a girl that doesn't get to see it very often! Look, when the flakes (tiny) begin to fall here in North Louisiana, our schools close, roads and overpasses's like a celebration and we love it!
The picture from your home property (previous post) is gorgeous, Kristin! Just like a postcard!
Laura, I LOVE that you are from La. I was born and raised in Lake Charles (WAY Southwest LA, literally the heel of the boot). Lived there 19 years, been in TX for 20. Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler!
Happy New Year to every blogger, all Fireflies !!!
I've read Kristen's resolutions for two days and wondered if this should be the year that I actually record some in writing (typing). I'm always fearful of that, but here I go. I hope that 2009 brings to me:
* A deeper connection with my Faith, and appreciating God for the blessings in my life.
* A deeper appreciation for my health. Less indulgence, more exercise, a renewed ME!
That's all I have for now. The biggest holds on my heart.
Happy New Year to all, and thank you for what you've brought to this reader's life. I am nothing without passion. My passion is to read and write. I love to read. I try to write. =) I am SO blessed surrounded by Fireflies!
Happy New Year!
I was at my parents' vacation house at a ski resort last week. Unfortunately, it rained the entire time. They did get 8 inches of snow today though. My nephew started skiing this year. I probably won't be able to get out on the slopes this year, but I do try to go at least once a year.
I don't really make resolutions. I never really did. I'd love to exercise, but I won't. :) I'd love to read more, but I won't. I just resolve to be a better person in some way.
Happy New Year, Fireflies!
Happy New Year! I just entered the contest, yay!
Kristin, I checked out your travel schedule and I'm wondering if there's any chance of getting you to the east side of the state? On a Saturday? ;)
It's ironic, because Poulsbo is only 40 minutes away from my Mom's place. But I'll be stuck in school on the wrong side of Washington.
Honestly, I'm not surprised since there's not much out here. There's Spokane and Pullman/Moscow...that's about it. If you can find it under all the snow!
My new years resolutions:
1. Do something cooler for the next New Year's Eve (I was home, tired, under the weather).
2. Do well at school
3. Do well at work (in the clinic and at the bakery)
4. Start lap swimming
5. Go on a date. It's been hard meeting new people in a new place while working and going to school at the same time. Ok, you can stop laughing at me. I promise I'm not a homely weirdo, just a busy single student :)
Dear Kristin,
Enoufgt already .The snow is beautiful BUT.I am like you Kristin did some of my shopping on line.I ordered a spinning wheel for myself,I love to knit-thought it might be fun to learn to spin--old lady thing.I think it is under a snow bank somewhere in Oregonmmaby with the Donner Party,We had a wonderful Christmas,and New Year eve with family,Hope you are having a good visit with your son.
I wish you and all my firefly friends a happy,healthy new year.
Love and hugs
TV alert - I don't know if any of you watch Scrubs (there are so few fans), but if you do, it comes back TOMORROW, 1/6. It is on ABC this year and not NBC and it will be on for an hour.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled blogging and commenting...
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