The Countdown Begins......
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The countdown is on...for our Kristin's return. Whooooo Hoooooo. If my math is correct (and let's hope it is!) Kristin will be home in about a week. I am so anxious to hear all about her trip. See all the pictures. Learn if that one tiny little carry on suitcase really did hold everything she needed for a month. (I still have my doubts!!) But before I leave, I owe you Fireflies a HUGE thank you. I guess now it would be okay to admit I was TERRIFIED about stepping in to fill Kristin's blogging shoes. I should have known better. You Fireflies are THE BEST. You have made me feel so welcome and I know Kristin is going to enjoy reading your posts as much as I have. So thank you, thank you. I could not have gotten through this blogging month without you. But before I leave and hand the reins back over to our true Queen Firefly, I think we need to have one last bit of fun. :)
I know Kristin plans to post about her trip, but I am impatient. I have a couple of burning
questions I am dying to ask her. First, I want to know if she saw a herd of mama and baby elephants. Out of all the animals in Africa, I would love to see that. Years ago, I watched a nature program on elephants. About how all the female elephants band together--the moms, aunties, sisters--and raise the babies. One big, close knit group of women, sticking together and taking care of everyone. To me, there is something utterly beautiful in that. Plus, any female (animal mammal or not) who carries a baby for nearly TWO YEARS has my vote. Hands down!!
Second, I really want to know what the living conditions are like on a safari. From what Kristin told me before she left, it actually sounded amazingly luxurious. But now that she's experienced it first hand...
So, Fireflies. For our last post before Kristin gets home, is there a question or two you would really like to ask about her trip to Africa? Come on, don't be shy. :)
I know Kristin plans to post about her trip, but I am impatient. I have a couple of burning

Second, I really want to know what the living conditions are like on a safari. From what Kristin told me before she left, it actually sounded amazingly luxurious. But now that she's experienced it first hand...
So, Fireflies. For our last post before Kristin gets home, is there a question or two you would really like to ask about her trip to Africa? Come on, don't be shy. :)
Labels: Africa
Wow, it seems like yesterday Kristin was on her way to the magical land of Africa! I have always dreamt this continent to be a wonderous place, where one would have a life changing and grounding experience. What to ask, well, what not to ask, the vast species that call Africa their home, what did she get to see, how much did she get to interact with the animals, the native people? What did she learn, about herself? I guess those would be my most pressing questions. I wish Kristin a safe return and I anxiously await the exciting stories!
Kim - your humble spirit is so what I like most about you. Don't be surprised for a minute that you have done a WONDERFUL job in keeping us updated, connected, and most of all - busy! For those like me, who love this blog, and visit daily, Kristin's absence has flown by. I miss knowing how she personally goes above and beyond to communicate with us. But, the time off has not only been good for her, but us as well. With her leaving you in charge, we've been given the chance to know you so much more. Your idea of everyone sharing more about themselves has been amazing. I've loved it. I'm sure all the Fireflies have! So, huge KUDOS to you! You and Kristin are an awesome team!
OK, here goes - you know the romantic in me (HA) ... I want to see the pictures and hear all of the stories. But, I also want to know if Kristin and her husband enjoyed the time together - albeit in the wild, outside of the hustle and bustle of work, deadlines, parenting, etc... I hope this trip was wonderful for both of them, and can't wait to hear all about it!
Cheers to all ... Lisa
I remember we saw Mama Elephant at the National Zoo right before she gave birth. EEK. It was like a zillion degrees and we felt so bad for her. I bought the pink elephant pattern from Vera Bradley because I think elephants are adorable (except, in this town, it's also a political statement so I thought twice about picking up the bag). Two things always pop into mind - Dumbo and the elephants in The Jungle Book.
Hm... questions. As with any trip, what would you do differently, what would you advise to others who would like to take the trip, and what was the bestest thing?
Do you ever have a moment where you think you are sooooo clever only to find out you are so not?!?! Sheesh. Here I thought my blog title (Countdown) was perfect, great, original.
How embarrassing. Especially since I swiped it from my boss. (Her blog post 9/25 in case anyone is interested). I would really like to say great minds think alike, but unfortunately the great mind is still in Africa. LOL Sending out my apologizes and hanging my head in shame. :) But enough about my goofs. (How's that for a swift change of subject???)
KC--WOW, great questions. I really like how you thought to ask what did she learn about herself. A trip like that had to be life altering. It will be so interesting to read her reply.
Lisa, you are so sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words!! And I too hope Kristin and hubby had a relaxing (and romantic!!) trip. Though there is this pesky assistant who has recently learned how to text and has been sending them right and left lately. Probably really cut into the peace and quiet of the trip. :)
Oh, April, I'm such a sucker for Disney movies. The scene in Dumbo that gets me every time is when Dumbo's mom is in the cage w/out her baby, and he tries to get as close to her as he can and then she reaches her trunk out through those cold steel bars and rocks him in her trunk... Okay, I'll admit it. I cry every time. But by now, I'm sure all you Fireflies are just nodding your heads and saying, Of course you do, Kim. You cry at everything. And it is soooooooo true. And what great questions!! I will be so curious to see if there is anything she would have done differently. And the "bestest thing." Wow. I bet that is going to be tough--how to pick just one??
One of my children loved elephants so much from the time he could sit up and point; it was amazing. I had to read to him every thing we could find about elephants. I certainly know more about them had I not had that boy. They are truly fascinating and beautiful animals. They have very human like they take care of each other, each other's children, and how they mourn their dead and communicate.
Here's what I would like to know about Africa: Are the bugs and insects as thick and pesky as I can only imagine? ;-)
Oh, and Kim...I hit send to fast. Yes, you have truly made this time fly by. I cannot believe it has been weeks. I check here pretty much daily as well and you have made this time very fun!
OMG! I'm NOT prone to crying and Baby Mine gets me (and my mom) EVERY TIME. Mrs. Jumbo and little Dumbo...
OK, definite change of subject. I'll add that you have made time fly!
Oh, another question - now that this big trip is down, what exotic locations are left in the Dream Vacation vault?
That was so funny Kim I thought you borrowed blog title from Kristin on purpose... so I thought it was great, and ironic! I'll miss you when she comes back :(
But of course I'm thrilled that she'll be back.
Oh, I hope this country survives the election...
Hi Kim and Girls
I'll miss you to--hope you join in now and then,if the boss will let you;I also hope your country survives the election
I love that picture of the elephants. Of all the species that call Africa home, the elephants are the ones I want to see in a natural environment the most. So jealous, lol!
Questions for Kristin - would you go back? What did you see/experience that didn't match up to your preconceptions of Africa and this trip? Was that a good thing? What experience moved you the most? Moved your family?
What was the most amazing part of your African adventure and why?
Lynn, totally forgot about the bug question. :) I do know Kristin had to buy special bug repellent clothing. Now doesn't THAT sound stylish. LOL LOL And thank you so much for the nice compliment. You are so sweet!!
April, next Dream Vacation for Kristin? I'm lobbying for Italy. I think she needs to set a book there and OF COURSE take her assistant. :)
Michelle, you are SO brilliant. Why didn't I think of that re: blog title?!?! Could have so covered my big goof.
And Michelle and Sharon, never fear, I'll definitely be sticking around with all my opinions :) but at least I won't have to come up with blog titles!! LOL
Naomi, great questions and I'm with you on the jealousy. :) Can't wait to hear if Kristin did get to see a herd. Something tells me she did. Soooooo not fair. Then again, after she answers Lynn's bug question, I might just change my mind. ha ha ha
Whoop, forgot one thing.
Cindy W. I received your note and want to contact you but can't find your e-mail addy anywhere.
Um, this is horrible, but is that baby elephant in the photo sleeping? I like to think it needed a nap in the middle of the water.
You are doing a great job filling in for Kristin! Stop doubting your wonderful abilities! But I do bet you miss her. I think Africa would be soooo much fun! I love animals! Too bad I hate flying. Ugh! Scares me to death! But to see all those animals up close, I might just have to fly if I had the chance. I don't really have a question for Kristin, except- did she have a blast? That's about it. Love this blog and all the fellow fireflies!
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