Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Hello everyone--
Happy halloween to all of you! In honor of the scary holiday, I am sending you this photo of my family on a road trip in the seventies. What could possibly be scarier than a family road trip? Am the the one in the oh-so-hip black vinyl boots. I have to say, I always remember my mom in that color. Isn't she lovely? And are my brother's pants a riot, or what?
As I sit here, typing away, it is actually not raining here in the Pacific Northwest. It's 3:30 pm, and there's no rain falling. That may not sound like much, but for my neck of the woods, that's a noteworthy event. I can't even remember how many times my husband and I accompanied our son trick or treating in the pouring rain.
Is it just me, or is time flying at a particularly speedy rate this year? I mean, wasn't it summer like a nanosecond ago? It seems as if I were just putting on shorts to run to the store, but now its Ugg boots and gloves all the way. The leaves outside of my window are particularly stunning right now--tangerine and scarlet and yellow. But the ends are starting to blacken and curl up. In another nanosecond, I'll be looking through skeletal leaves and waiting for snow. As I said, time is flying. I actually considered Christmas shopping this week. Christmas shopping!!!! Yikes. It isn't even Thanksgiving. I quickly came to my senses and called my good friend, Jayne Ann Krentz, who met me for tea instead. Phew. Much better. :)
(A reminder---does anyone want to swap Thanksgiving recipes this year? Last year you all had some GREAT sounding dishes. And I do NOT want to hear from Kim again that I don't serve enough food). :)
Back to the point. Maybe it just feels that way because October has been such a busy month for me. And you guys KNOW I am not a fan of being busy. I'm a fan of sitting on the beach with a good book or a good friend. And yet, in the past month, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. All of it has been for good causes, but phew, I'll be ready to slow down again. That's the secret btw to living in the Northwest. Sure it rains alot, but all that misty weather forces you to slow down a bit. Why go out in the rain? So, yes, I've been running less (and it shows, believe me, but that's another lament alltogether), and watching more television. I've also been updating the website.
It's that time of year again, can you believe it? I actually have another book--books, I guess--coming out in a few months. As most of you know, Winter Garden is coming out on or about February 5th. (Kim--do you remember the actual date?) And True Colors is coming out in early January in trade paperback. It's all very exciting, but it makes for a lot of behind-the-scenes work. Reading Group Guides, new interviews, flap copy to approve, copy edits to peruse, new Behind-the-book peeks. I want to make sure you all have plenty of cool extra information that can only be found on the website. What I need is an insomniac alter ego who would take care of these chores for me. Hey, wasn't that a Stephen King novel?
Here's an early peek--just for you guys--of the whole cover of Winter Garden. I thought you might enjoy seeing how a cover looks before it goes to the printer. This is the first time I've shown it to anyone. If you can't read the copy, let me know and I'll repost it. I'm really excited about this novel and I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Which--of course---brings us to the idea of a contest for a giveaway for the advance reading copy. I'll be posting the contest in early November, and I just want to remind you all to mark on your entries that your fireflies. Also, if any of you have contest ideas, please share. I have an idea in mind, but you always come up with better ideas than I do.

Also, you all know how much I've been working to support breast cancer awareness month. I hope by now you've all had a chance to check out the Tribute Wall and the Firefly Fund. http://www.kristinhannah.com/content/tributes.php To those of you who donated, thanks from the bottom of my heart. I truly think that even five dollars can make a difference if enough of us do it. I'll definitely be talking to donors at the end of the year, and we'll figure out how to spend the money together. Thanks!! It feels great to make a difference, doesn't it?
Well, I better get going again. Unfortunately, I live out in the country, so if I want to see kids trick-or-treating, I have to go to town, and frankly, it's a ritual i hate to miss. I am glad I know longer have to go door to door, but I miss the feel of my son's hand in mine, and the way he used to grin up at me with every piece of candy dropped into his bag. And, of course, I miss sneaking his candy...
Have a great weekend, everyone!
LOVE the family photo. Kristin, even in the sunglasses, I can see how much you resemble your mom.
Yes, your boots are hip, but they don't hold a candle to those au courant pants. LOL
The Winter Garden cover is beautiful. Can't wait to read it.
That's a great photo. I love how female clothes come back in style (you could totally get away with wearing that again), but men's fashions are usually not as lucky.
Time is definitely flying. We're busy straight through November and December is sort of booked. We just celebrated a second birthday here last Wednesday (and it seems like last summer when I met Kristin in Dallas while I was 6 months pregnant).
We do Halloween at a mall by my parents'. It was super crowded because it rained. Little Miss was a bit overwhelmed, but she did like the two pieces of candy she was allowed and was happy when we got home and it was just the three of us.
I can't wait for Winter Garden. In the meantime, I'm reading Nora Roberts's latest, Bed of Roses. I've been reading a lot of darker books lately so it's nice this series is so cute and romantic and sweet. I look forward to starting it during nap time today.
Happy Fall, Fireflies!
LOVE the picture!! What a wonderful family photo. (And not vinyl boots but pleather! LOL LOL)
Time IS flying! I don't remember a year ever going by so fast!! Why do I even bother to take down Christmas decorations?!
YES! YES!! Let's swap T-giving recipes. I have a killer one for a sweet potato dish that is SOOOO good (and I don't even like sweet potatoes!)
The cover for Winter Garden is gorgeous! I've never even seen the whole cover like that. :) Feb. 2nd is the release day!! Whooo Hoooo. I can't wait for everyone to read this book!!
The toasted pumpkin seeds are almost gone and the jack o'lanterns already look sad. Can we back up to June please?!?!
I am not trying to be a wise guy, but I need to ask...is 'donator' a word, or has it become a word? I heard someone else use this recently and I thought, hmm, do they mean 'donor'?
Another one I see frequently (from English teachers, no less) is 'bolded'. I think the word is actually 'emboldened'
I know sometimes words are used so much that finally it just becomes correct to use it over time and wondered if this was the case with 'donator'.
You are totally correct. :) I, it seems was fashion forward while, alas, my brother was not. This is particularly funny because he is much more fashionable than I am in real life. He's actually quite hip...
Gosh, I meet you when you're pregnant--it feels like a second ago--and now you're taking little miss trick or treating. As I said, time is flying. What was her costume?
Okay, we want the sweet potato recipe...
A thousand thank you's for your sharp eyes. That's what I get for writing my blog while I'm watching Dancing with the Stars. :) I am deeply in your debt.
Your mom is beautiful! I'm really looking forward to Winter Garden - thanks for the sneak peek!
Little Miss was a butterfly/love bug. Here is the family photo (with nephew), but I didn't post a photo with the hood up (and little heart antenna):
Hey Kristin!!
i used to wear white go go boots and a nehro jacket!!!
i love the cover of Winter Garden!!!
i can't wait to read it!!!
elaine croteau
Hi everyone! Kristin - your mother was a beautiful, young woman. You really do favor her so much. Diggin' those Brady Bunch clothes =). You know what I noticed in that picture? How much your brother as an adult (the beach picture you posted), looks so much like your Dad in this older photo. Is it just me?
The Winter Garden cover is beautiful! I love it! Pretty cool to see it in that layout. A 'behind the scenes' treat for us who normally wouldn't see the proof that way.
April - I can't see the pic of Little Miss !! Wahhhh !! What am I doing wrong with the link you sent?
I'll be thinking of what recipes to share for Thanksgiving. That is always so much fun. I tried out a new pecan dessert last night, with fresh pecans my husband shelled this weekend. Maybe I'll share that one with you gals!
Has anyone heard the coolest new song on the radio, by Owl City, called "Firelies"? I love it !!! It could be our theme song! If you haven't heard it, go to lyricsmode.com and listen to it. Catchy little jingle, very sassy! Perfect for us! =)
OK, I'll close now. I had lots of catching up to do with you guys. One last note - I had a doctor appt yesterday, and she recommended two great reads, Book Thief & Zookeepers Wife. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I know nothing about them, except they are set during the Holocaust and she said they are both among the best of any historical pieces she has read. The Zookeepers Wife is non-fiction.
That's all I got .... how'd ya like that?
Hugs! Lisa
Lisa, I saw that video for Fireflies a few weeks ago. It is charming. I thought of all of you.
The link should work if you cut and paste it into your browser. I just did. Or just go to http://princessapr.blogspot.com (cut and paste into browser) and scroll down - need to scroll because the top post is just of me and my new haircut right now. I also change the photo of the day every week or so which is on the right side of the blog.
I just finished Nora Roberts's Bed of Roses which was really cute. I'm finding this current series very charming and romantic. I don't read a lot of those books so it takes me awhile to get back into it, but it's a nice change of pace.
April - It worked this time! Such a precious family. I love that I'll have a face to put with Little Miss now. =)
Hi Guys!
Can't wait to hear that Firefly song!
Kristin-your mom looked amazing:) I can't wait for Winter Garden to come out.
Nothing new to report on the relationship yet :)
Yeah, time is flying, and I actually HAVE started Christmas shopping.
I'll check in later!
Debated whether to make an entry since it was posted Oct 31. I just returned home late last night from 10 days at my annual conference of ministers late last night. I also spent Halloween celebrating the 10th anniversary of my ordination Oct 31 with friends.
The book cover is beautiful and will certainly grab the attention of readers. I can't wait! Am thinking about contest suggestions.
Won't say anything more since a new post will appear soon.
Wow! I love the cover and I'm going to be checking your site faithfully to hear more about this contest! Either way, I can't wait to read your newest book! Feb 2nd should be easy to remember, since that's Groundhog Day! :)
Love the family picture! At first I thought that it was a recent picture and I was trying to locate Kristin! Shows how much styles go but still stay the same!
Had a great Halloween. Spent the night at a local hotel with my hubby. We don't have kids but have a ton of kids in our neighborhood, so we thought we'd go out and have a nice quiet evening. We watched movies and had popcorn. Talk about fun!!
TRUE COLORS - I have just read my first book by you and I could hardly put it down. I couldn't read it fast enough and yet was so sorry when I was through. YET, must you use such vulgar language??? I am 55 and LOVE To read but will not read another of your books or recommend as I normally do because of the language content. It actually ruins the moment for me and most times I will put down such a book. However, your story and skills were so intriguing that I continued. Use of such language does not make a book "believable or more like real life". I never heard such language!
Just my opinion!
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