back in the usa...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Here's the first photo of la familia on the beach in front of the fabulous Holbox Fly Fishing Lodge, where we had one of the best reunions so far. How could we go wrong, really---white sand beaches, blue water, friends and family, homemade ceviche, glorious sunsets...and did I mention the margaritas?
As I mentioned in my post from down there, we were on a quiet, very remote island not far from Cancun. I had never really been to Mexico before, and i quite fell in love with the laid back atmosphere. It is not my beloved Hawaii, but it was wonderful in a totally different way. Goodbye hula and hello mariachi. Did I spell that right? Best part of the getaway was spending quality time with my family; worst part was being totally cut off from my cell phone and my laptop. It's been a long time since I was that unplugged. :) And for Sharon, if you're reading this, you had a couple of great photos in the family slide show.
Now I'm back into ordinary life for the foreseeable future. Ben and I are headed to Hawaii in late March, but as you all know, I have wireless there. No problems blogging from the beach. Also, I'll be looking for good books to read. Any suggestions?
I know you can't see that I just took a break, but I did. I just got a call from my agent, who told me that Firefly Lane has held it's number FOUR spot on the New York Times again this week. How flippin' amazing is that? And True Colors is at number ten. Too bad there's no one here to drink champagne with me. Or maybe we could all toast our drink of choice this evening as if we're together...
Other than book signings and touring and family reunions and finishing the book for 2010, I haven't been doing a whole lot. I guess all that has pretty much taken up all of my time. Oh, and the fact that my satellite company is fighting with the local ABC affiliate is my biggest headache. In case you don't know, what that means is that I don't have ABC, which means I don't have LOST!!! AAAAAAgggggghhhhh.... Picture me angry. I also don't have Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Grey's get the drift. So I'm trying to keep up with my shows on my computer and I'm way way behind. So please, friends, no big spoilers without an alert. I'd hate to stumble across something I hadn't seen yet. Anyone have recommendations for what shows on ABC I should watch first. Literally, I'm weeks and weeks behind...
Thoughts on the Oscars: LOVED the new way they presented the acting awards--I actually cried a couple of times. Shirley Maclaine was especially great, as was Goldie. Loved Hugh Jackman, LOVED the fabulous and amazing set, loved the Seth Rogen/James Franco bit, loved seeing Kate Winslet win. I would have liked more presenters, though. I am a dress watcher, at heart.
Let's there any other news? Honestly, with my tv down and my book at the final editing stage, my brain is reduced to baby food. Thanks to all of you who came to the various signings. I sure appreciated seeing you all. I'll be in Redmond, Washington tomorrow night and Village Books in Bellingham on Saturday night for anyone in the area.
Aloha and adios---
Hi Kristin!
Welcome back to the US of A! I have to admit I haven't been keeping up with your blog because you're on my iGoogle Shopping Tab. And now I have a .... iGoogle Wedding Tab!!!!!
Yup, I am now officially engaged. It's blissfully wonderful and we're planning a Winery Wedding in Hudson Valley (1-1.5 hours outside of NYC). It's going to be AWESOME!
Hope alls well with everyone else!
Of course all you West coast folk want a longer show. You're not up until 1:30 (the awards ended at midnight and then I had to watch post show until I fell asleep). It's thrown me off all week.
I haven't read any fantastic books but it's only because I'm so far behind.
There are some big goings on on Grey's Anatomy. People have strong mixed feelings. I'm indifferent. I like to concentrate on the parts I like and ignore the parts I don't like. The husband is trying to mentally will a scalpel to fly into certain characters' necks. It's kind of amusing to see him angry over tv. I only watch Grey's, Private Practice and Scrubs on ABC. You should probably watch Brothers & Sisters before the big 2-hour even next week though. That'll cause a bigger jam in viewing.
The photo looks great! I'm so jealous that everyone is in shorts and t-shirts. I've been so cold lately and impatient for spring.
K - I also LOVED the way they presented acting award at the Oscars. That was amazing!
I am now reading The Things We Do For Love, by our very own Ms. Kristin Hannah !!! Yay me, and another great find at Half Price Books. I am only a few away from having them all! I love it!
I just finished Run For Your Life (James Patterson). It was very good! My next read is a Harlan Cobin book. Not sure which one... I bought several at HPB, after Kristin recommended him. I've never read any of his books. Looking forward to a new author!
Leen - I love reading your blog posts. You are a riot!
Hugs to all, until next time ...
Hi everyone!
Kristin- Oh no for you to miss Bachelor and Dancing! But I love your idea of toasting as if we're together, but let's be honest, the book deserves to be number 1!
Lisa, I am so excited. I'm going to Houston with my "really good guy friend" to visit his sister. I think if we could somehow meet, it would be so cool.
April, still finishing What I did for Love, and it's AMAZING!
Harlan Coben is great. Look on to get the order of his books. Except for the Myron Bolitar series, the rest are standalones, yet they have some of the same characters weave in and out so it is helpful to read them in order. You are in for a fun ride!
PS *Loved loved loved* The Things We Do for Love
Congrats on the FANTASTIC showings.
I've been on a reading binge lately, and found quite a few I loved. Time of My Life by Alison Winn Scotch was really good. Very fast, clean writing, intriguing idea (heroine finds herself 7 years in the past, facing the choices she made then).
Now reading Geraldine Brooks' People of the Book, because I adored The Year of Sorrows. Dark work, both of them, but fantastic.
Enjoy the success!
I was reading Almost Home by Pam Jenoff for bookclub, but I may have put it down to dive into Promises in Death by J.D. Robb. I also have Glitter Baby and What I Did For Love, but I'm putting those off because I know I'll love them and I want to take my time with them. I have more, but they're too many to list. I received like 4 boxes from Barnes & Noble on Friday (some were gifts as I'm all caught up for birthday gifts for the next 2 months).
It looks like everyone is reading winners, too!
FYI on Prison Break:
So, possibly 2 more episodes but no news on when they'll air. Could be a DVD wrap up or something.
Hey girls!
I'm reading Between Sisters now, and lovin' it!
Lisa, are you there??? I'll be in TX 3/14-19.
Kristin, I once again absolutely must recommend LaVyrle Spencer. Just finished That Camden Summer, and in some ways, it reminded me of On Mystic Lake. Since she's retired from writing, reading her books is an extra-special treat. And Belva Plain's books are too spellbinding for words; from whole Evergreen series to books like Legacy of Silence, which totally left me breathless. So happy a new one-crossroads- is finally out.
Happy reading!
LOL that link confused me. I thought, "Kristin has a blog about Prison Break!? Man, she is busy!"
gave me a chuckle!
I've mentioned it before, but I *love* Belva Plain. I recently reread Evergreen and the subsequent titles that I had not read. What an interesting way to have a sequel. Just awesome. I very rarely reread books, but that was well worth it. Love a great family saga.
I have been contemplating rereading The Thorn Birds. I originally read that back in the same era as Evergreen. Whoa..that was quite a few years ago. I was very young ;-)
I also like Eileen Goudge and I really enjoyed Garden of Lies and the sequel Thorns of Truth.
Michelle, LaVyrle Spencer is one of my favorite authors and my first romance author. I was very sad to hear she retired, but I enjoy reading her books over and over. Morning Glory was my first and favorite though I love The Endearment, too. I can see the similarities between her books and Kristin's.
Sorry for the confusion, Lynn! :)
Michelle - I am SO sorry. My life from February to July is all about baseball. My 14 year old stepson is on a select traveling team and we never stop. Just got in from this weekend's tournament. Our boys did great, but didn't take home the trophy =(
I regret to tell you two things - one I have a baseball tournament that weekend; and, second - I am about 4 hours from Houston. If I were any closer and could swing it, would have been awesome to meet a fellow Firefly for lunch! Maybe another time. Heck, who knows with this baseball - if our tournament gets changed to the Houston area, I'll shout out!
Hope everyone is well. I am not reading anything at this moment, but probably starting Jodi Picoult's new release soon. Truth be told, Kristin's book, The Things We Do For Love, rocked my world. I loved it! It hit a bit close to home, though, and I'm still in one of those states where even at the grocery store things remind me of the characters. WOW! I love those kind of reads!
Dear WEndy---
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It sounds like a wonderfully romantic locations. What's the big day going to look like?
inquiring fireflies want to know. :)
Dear April=-
Thanks for the update on Prison Break. I will check it out. I'd be happy with a final two night event. :) I can imagine the rest.
I'm all caught up on my shows except for Desperate Housewives. Have to say that Brothers and Sisters was sure great this season, as was private practice. Am holding my opinion on GA until we see what's wrong with Izzy.
And yes, it was GREAT to be in shorts on the beach. It's snowing here in the northwest...
Dear Lisa---
Leen is a riot, isn't she? I always look forward to the funny comments she makes. Anyway, as to Harlan, I recommend Tell No one to start with. Also, Dealbreaker is the first of the Myron Bolitar books, and I think he's a great character.
Books I've collected for the next month (in which I'll FINALLY be reading a ton since I've finished my edits): The Help, Sing Them Home, Handle With Care, The Gathering, and Long Lost. Anyone read any of them?
Dear Barb--
How is People of the Book. I've been looking forward to that one, also I've heard about The book of Lost things. Have you read that?
PS: Saw your book on one of the trade tables at my last signing. Woo hoo!!!
Dear Michelle, Lisa, and Lynn---
Glad you're enjoying TTWDFL. That was a book I wrote when my son was in high school. Not too surprising, is it?
Dear Michelle---
LaVyrle was always one of my favorite writers. Honestly, she had a big influence on my career in many ways. She really made me believe that you could build a career on emotional books. I really miss reading her. Morning Glory is my all time favorite, with Years a close second.
Dear Lynn--
that's funny that you mention Belva Plain and Thorn Birds. I reread thorn birds only a few years ago, and I have to say, I loved it all over again. I also re read princess daisy and the big Sally Beauman book---the title escapes me. They were all long and wordy compared to today's market, but really really good. And Eileen Goudge has always been one of my favorites. Garden of Lies was remarkable, and if you liked that book, I am sure you'd love all of her stuff. Her latest book is Domestic Affairs and it's great.
I picked up Handle with Care last night at Jodi Picoult's booksigning. I'll probably read it after What I Did For Love (which I'm finally getting around to). It's my fourth Jodi Picoult booksigning and it was great. She gets a bigger and bigger turnout every time.
I've read many Eileen Goudge books including Domestic Affairs. I thought it was a great read. I also really liked Such Devoted Sisters.
I do have to say, I know she is enormously popular, but I read my first and maybe last, Jodi Picoult. It was Harvesting the Heart and did not like it at all. Perhaps I started with the wrong one.
I have finally jumped on the Twilight bandwagon though ;-). Next up is Eclipse.
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