Happy Independence Day!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I know, I know, I'm a little early on my holiday greetings, but since so many of us are busy either getting ready to party or looking forward to the weekend, I figure what's a little anticipation among friends? I know I'm trying to put together my plan for the days to come, which I wholeheartedly hope will be sunny. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the Fourth of July is one of those uncertain holidays. It can be hot and gorgeous or gray and wet. It's rarely full on raining, but it doesn't take much precip to put a damper on outdoor festivities. At the moment, I'm looking forward to going to a friend's house for fun, frivolity, and a basket of homemade fried chicken, and then it's off to the local fireworks display with my brother and his family. I'm sure a good time will be had by all. And since I've got party food on my mind, this seems like a good time to ask you all what you take to your favorite bbq on a day like today? Red, white, and blue jello salads?
The other big news this week is books and movies. I was lucky enough to see Harry Potter six this week (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince), which I have to tell you was definitely one of my favorite of the novels. This is where Harry's journey really begins to turn dark and dangerous. My favorite kind of danger, too--not just fear that one might die, but fear that others one loves might die, and indeed that the world as it has been known might change forever, and not in a good way. When I first read this great book, my son and I engaged in lengthy arguments about whether Snape was good or evil or something in between, and the movie certainly highlights that question beautifully. The movie is absolutely gorgeous and moody and atmospheric; it has some of the coolest special effects I've ever seen. I can't wait to hear what you all think of it!
Speaking of opinions. Who among you have seen the New Moon trailer yet? What did you think? Are you looking forward to the movie in November?
And movies aren't the only winner this week. I just got my copy of Angel's Game, the prequel to one of my all time favorite novels, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Admittedly, I've only just begun to read it, but it's already hooking me bigtime. His writing is lush and lyrical and flat out awesome. I'm trying to savor the novel like a big box of Godiva chocolates, although we all know how hard it is to show restraint when what you really want to do is dive in and lose yourself...
I wanted to thank you all for your interesting comments and questions this week about the editing process. It is an arduous task (as my whining complaints no doubt showed), but it's also a great opportunity to get every single word in the right place, with the right meaning, to tell the very best story possible, and so I value the time it takes. I hope when you all finally read Winter Garden in February you'll appreciate all the hard work.
And speaking of Winter Garden, they're beginning to do some preliminary covers, and you all know that I'll post them here first. As soon as I have a final, I'll shoot it out over the blog.
Kim is tallying up all the firefly entries for the gift certificate contest, and we'll announce the winners next week.
Other than that, not much is going on in the Hannah household right now. In fact, I'm sitting on my back porch, watching the horses lean over the fence toward the apples just beginning to show on the apple trees. There are butterflies and dragonflies everywhere, and my white dogwood tree is in bloom. It's a perfect day to drag out the old laptop and say hey to my friends. So I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, joyous weekend with your families and your friends.
Also, on a more serious note, I'd like to mention two of the big news stories this week. The deaths of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett (she's still Farrah Fawcett Majors to me, that's how I roll, I guess, even though the love story with Ryan O'Neal has brought me to tears several times this week). These two icons have been a part of my life since my earliest memory. Yes, I had the Farrah 'do for many years and loved it. My bro had "the poster" up on his wall. And what to say about Michael? I used to watch the cartoon Michael sing ABC when I was little, and so many memories are tangled up with his music. Their lives were a real addition to our world, and our culture, and my childhood, and they will be missed. My prayers go out to their families.
What else is there to say? Aloha for now---
ps: I have a good friend battling breast cancer right now, and I would love it if you all could take a moment or two to say a prayer for her...