Aloha again to my blog friends---
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Aloha my blog and firefly friends---
It has been far too long since my last post, and for that I am really sorry. It's not that I haven't thought of you all, or that I've had nothing to say, it's simply that for the past few months I've been inundated with life. Work, friends, family, travel, reading, social networking---I honestly adore all of it, and yet I find that I can't keep up with everything that I want to do. There just aren't enough hours in the day. I'm sure you all know what I mean. We women are movers and shakers--we get a lot done. A super human amount, actually, but every now and then the To Do list overpowers the available time list. That is where I've been. Tell me I'm not alone. Has this summer been crazy for you, too?
Although I've clearly fallen into the deep end of the blogging pool (help, I've fallen and I can't get up!!), I really truly haven't forgotten you all. The conversations we've all shared over the last few years and the e-friendships we've made have meant something to me. Which is why I wanted to check back in and let you know that I'm still here.
The biggest piece of my lost time puzzle has definitely been the new book. HOME FRONT is coming out Jan 31, 2012, and I can tell you that I've never had such a difficult time writing a novel--at least not that I can recall. The only upside to all of this hard work, all of these extensive edits, is that I'm really proud of this book. You all know me well enough to know that I don't say that lightly or often. It is, hands down, the most honest and real novel that I've ever written. I can't wait to hear what you all think of it.
For months now, I've been keeping the story under wraps. Maybe that's because the book feels so special to me...or maybe I've been scared. Who knows what goes on in the minds of a nervous writer? Only the Shadow knows. :) Anyway, (with a drumroll, please), here is the first tidbit about the story:
Like many married couples, Michael and Jolene Zarkades have to balance the pressures of everyday life--children, careers, bills, chores--even as their twelve year marriage is falling apart. Then an unexpected deployment sends Jolene deep into harm's way and leaves defense attorney Michael at home, struggling to care for his frightened, worried children. At once a profoundly honest look at the landscape of a disintegrating marriage and a dramatic exploration of the price of war on a single American family, HOME FRONT is a story about love, loss, heroism, honor, and ultimately, hope.
For the next few weeks, I'll be talking about the book on my facebook page. I know that most of you are already there, and I encourage the rest of you to please join us. I'll be giving out all kinds of information and answering questions and doing a few giveaways as we get closer to publication. I look forward to seeing your posts both here and there. But I won't give up blogging--honestly.
Thanks for still being here---