Happy Thanksgiving everyone--
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hello everyone---

Well, here I am doing the same thing that all of you are probably doing right now---surfing foodnetwork.com for new recipes, grocery shopping, table setting, and trying to manage my time so that I can get everything done on time. Well, not really on time--what I really want is to get it all done early so that I can enjoy my guests. As most of you probably know, my son is coming home from college for the holidays, and there's nothing I enjoy more than hearing his stories about senior year. I'm also really grateful that my dad and his wife, Debbie are coming to dinner this year. Normally, they're off globe trotting in November, so we're really lucky to be able to have them here for dinner.
Thanks to so many of you for offering some of your favorite family recipies. I'm especially intrigued with the frozen waldorf salad and the homemade cranberry sauce. Yum! And a big thanks to Patricia for making a donation to the Firefly Fund this year. We know how tough a time you've had recently and it's really heartwarming to see your generosity. I love the way we women can come together to do something to help in the fight against breast cancer.
I've also got some surprising news--and you're hearing it here first. My publisher is doing a fun new promotion for Winter Garden. I'm not sure of all the details yet, but I didn't want to drag my feet on telling you. I want my faithful blog friends to get the scoop first. We're going to be throwing 1,000 parties all across the country to help in the launch of Winter Garden. The people who are chosen to hostess these events on January 30, will receive free copies of Firefly Lane for the ten attendees of each party, in addition to trade paperback copies of True Colors, and--I hope--a hot off the press copy of Winter Garden. Soon, I'll have all the news on how you can be a part of this promotion--can you say part-tay?? So check back on the site in the next few days and I think final details will be in place. Good luck! Who doesn't love a party with free books and good friends?
That's all the news I have for now. I need to head back to my yellow tablet, where I'm busy putting together my To Do list for Thanksgiving Day.
My very best to all of you! Enjoy the day and remember all the things and people for which you are grateful.
ps: for those of you who were interested in the sweet potato gnocchi with maple brown butter recipe--its a Giada recipe. Go to foodnetwork.com.

Well, here I am doing the same thing that all of you are probably doing right now---surfing foodnetwork.com for new recipes, grocery shopping, table setting, and trying to manage my time so that I can get everything done on time. Well, not really on time--what I really want is to get it all done early so that I can enjoy my guests. As most of you probably know, my son is coming home from college for the holidays, and there's nothing I enjoy more than hearing his stories about senior year. I'm also really grateful that my dad and his wife, Debbie are coming to dinner this year. Normally, they're off globe trotting in November, so we're really lucky to be able to have them here for dinner.
Thanks to so many of you for offering some of your favorite family recipies. I'm especially intrigued with the frozen waldorf salad and the homemade cranberry sauce. Yum! And a big thanks to Patricia for making a donation to the Firefly Fund this year. We know how tough a time you've had recently and it's really heartwarming to see your generosity. I love the way we women can come together to do something to help in the fight against breast cancer.
I've also got some surprising news--and you're hearing it here first. My publisher is doing a fun new promotion for Winter Garden. I'm not sure of all the details yet, but I didn't want to drag my feet on telling you. I want my faithful blog friends to get the scoop first. We're going to be throwing 1,000 parties all across the country to help in the launch of Winter Garden. The people who are chosen to hostess these events on January 30, will receive free copies of Firefly Lane for the ten attendees of each party, in addition to trade paperback copies of True Colors, and--I hope--a hot off the press copy of Winter Garden. Soon, I'll have all the news on how you can be a part of this promotion--can you say part-tay?? So check back on the site in the next few days and I think final details will be in place. Good luck! Who doesn't love a party with free books and good friends?
That's all the news I have for now. I need to head back to my yellow tablet, where I'm busy putting together my To Do list for Thanksgiving Day.
My very best to all of you! Enjoy the day and remember all the things and people for which you are grateful.
ps: for those of you who were interested in the sweet potato gnocchi with maple brown butter recipe--its a Giada recipe. Go to foodnetwork.com.
Oooh, I'm already hosting a House Party for Kodak next week (though it was kind of a surprise since they turned me down the first time so I am folding it into a get-together I happen to already be having). That would be a fantastic way to make my bookclub read a book. It'll be another 6 months before I get to choose.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving. I'm mostly excited to be using my new tablecloth and napkins. I don't do a lot of cooking, but I set good table.
Also, reading The Help for bookclub. The women on the Susan Elizabeth Phillips Bulletin Board have been raving for awhile about it, but I rarely buy into hype. So, now that I have to read it, I'm finding I whole-heartedly agree. It's a fantastic book and can't wait until I have time to read more! I think about it all the time.
As for movies, I saw The Blind Side last weekend and enjoyed it. My sister-in-law and I are also going to see Fantastic Mr. Fox because I will see almost anything by Roald Dahl (though still haven't seen James and the Giant Peach because it never was one of my favorite books).
Happy Thanksgiving, Kristin.Give the family hugs from me. Super good news about the fabulous book parties. I'm tempted to enter myself!
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I had never even heard of House Parties before. You'll have to tell us all how it is! Hopefully on monday I'll have all the news, but i am encouraging fireflies who are interested to sign up quickly. They've had an amazing response in the last 24 hours.
And I loved the help, too. Like you, I sometimes poo poo the "it" books--but that's one that totally lives up to the hype. It was SEP who recommended it to me, too.
happy turkey day
Happy Turkey Day, Sep!
Who knew you lurked in my neck of the woods??? Called you the other day, will call back after the hoopla is over. Have a great day with the family.
What a wonderful, beautiful, heartfelt Winter Memory. The entries are supposed to go to the account on the website, but I'll forward it on for you. We are lucky to have gotten to read it. Happy T day!
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Enjoyed reading your story!
April...I *loved* The Help. I did put it off because of the hype. I shouldn't do that any more than judging a book by its cover. It was so awesome.
This is the message I thought I sent.
I think the house party idea is a clever idea. It is a creative way to celebrate Winter Garden with the unleashing of a positive collective energy nationwide. What a beautiful send off for your book release and upcoming tours. I signed up for info.
I deleted my post -- still am not sure what happened. It was only a draft and I was working on two stories, trying to edit them closer to 250 word limit -- I hadn't chosen the memory I was going to enter. I knew the entry rules. My guess is that it's too late now.
I also wanted to thank April for coming up with winter memory idea!!! It challenged me to try writing again -- something I haven't done since my brain injury 5 yrs ago. It isn't important if my entry is good or not. It's the fact the I am writing again! It was a break through moment for me and I am very grateful! Sometimes we don't realize how we touch each other. Thank you April.
Happy Turkey Day!
I'm glad you were able to delete your entry if you were uncomfortable, but I can tell you that it was really touching and well written and I look forward to reading more of your writing. Keep it up!
Dear Kristin.
I would like to take this chance to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.Best regards to Laurance,Debbie and Ben.and all the family.Your menu sounds wonderful.Love the cover for winter garden,makes me want to read it.I am so impress with what your doing for breast cancer,have had my own struggles with it,Have kids and grand kids travelling all over the world,you always worryabout them,does not matter how old you are.Hope to see you at your book signing.
Best Regard and Happy Thanksgiving to all the firefly gals-I keep track of you all
Big Hugs
Thanks, Sharon! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. See you in Bellingham this February?
Kristin and Fireflies,
Have waited a few days to let all of you know that our 20-year-old grandson took his own life early Thanksgiving morning.
Greg had just returned from a year-long deployment in Baghdad, two months ago, and suffered major flashbacks due to PTSD. Our sadness is that he fell through the cracks.
I ask for your prayers for his parents, wife, and two brothers, as well as the remainder of our large family. There is so much grief. We don't know when we'll be able to bring Greg home. Our only solace is in knowing that he is free of his demons and is at peace.
Ward and I are doing fine, but could also benefit from your prayers as we find ways to love, support and be present with our family.
Oh, Patricia---
I am so so sorry for your family's loss. There are simply no words strong enough to offer you, but please know that you and your family are in my prayers. I wish there was something we could all do to help protect the young men and women who serve our country so courageously. It's not okay for anyone to "fall through the cracks" in a time like this. I am praying loudly for you...xoxo
Me and my family had out "usual" Thanksgiving. We headed away from home! Normally we'd go to the Oregon Coast but one year the hotel we stay at was totally booked so we went to Las Vegas and we just kept going, and we did that now because we live in Arizona! We can't go to Oregon really, well, we could but it'd take forever. :)
Thank you for trusting us with your heart. I know it is breaking, and imagine it was tough to share your sad news.
I will keep you, and your entire family, in constant prayer during the coming days. I am so sorry.
Truly, Lisa
Patricia, I'm so sorry to hear of your family's loss. I know that this will be a very difficult time for your family especially this time of year. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.
I am *so* sorry to hear of your loss.I gasped out loud when I read your post. I will keep your entire family in my prayers for strength and healing.
Thank you. I appreciate all of your words of loving support for my family. It means a great deal to me. I've been hoping to have a lot of prayers directed towards our son's family, because they will need so much help in their healing!
A memorial will be held with his battalion at Ft. Riley on Friday, with his immediate family present. At that same time, Greg will be flown home and our family and friends will meet the plane for his parents. His memorial will be held next Thursday.
Again, thank you for your caring.
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