Happy holidays, all--
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is it just me, or has this been the busiest holiday season ever? And how is it that it crept up on me? I mean, I know it's coming, and I spend several months thinking about the upcoming holidays, and looking forward to them, but then it seems as if in one day--the day after Thanksgiving, in fact--I go from anticipating the holidays to being behind. Every year I swear that I'm going to shop ahead and wrap ahead and bake ahead, and then what happens? It sneaks up on me AGAIN and I spend the first two weeks of December in a panic. I try to balance the baking (every years I'm going to make several dozen cookies and a pie or two), the shopping, the wrapping (the last presents wrapped are lucky to get scotch tape; forget a nice bow and ribbon), the decorating, and--always--the book.
Did I ever tell you that I finish my book on or about December 1st every year? The first draft, that is. And this year was an exception only in that I finished on about the 15th and then had to do a rapid fire edit (cutting about fifty pages) so that I could send it to my blessed, sainted critique partner, Megan Chance. I figured it was better to cut the pages myself before she could tell me it was s...l...o...w. :) And since I've written about Megan and our critiquing before, I'm including a photo of us together. It was taken at our recent writers luncheon. -723178.JPG)
Also, a little fyi, Megan's new book is coming out in January. PRIMA DONNA is a really wonderful, erotic, atmospheric historical novel set in old Seattle. Obviously, I'm biased, but she is one of my favorite people/writers and this is a fabulous book.
And now, onto the really big news, which you all already know about: the house parties. I have to say, I am stunned, amazed, and humbled by the response to the parties. Over six thousand women signed up to hostess parties in the first few days. More than 1200 signed up in the first day alone. Honestly, when I heard about the idea, I wondered if we'd be able to find 1,000 women who would be interested in having Firefly Lane parties. Shows what I know. I want to deeply thank my publisher, especially Lisa Senz, for the hard work and imagination it took to put this whole thing together. Check out http://www.houseparty.com/celebratingstories. They've upated the party information and added all kinds of cool stuff on there. Hostesses can chat back and forth, and there's a map showing where the parties are. I sure hope that any of you who are lucky enough to be hostesses will send photographs to me at the official email address on the site. I'd love to post them.
Well, I need to go start packing the car for the big ski trip. Presents, food, clothing, ski equipment, and don't forget the cat. It's a good old fashioned road trip, including sing alongs. :)
And don't think I've forgotten my own top ten list. I haven't. But I have a huge TBR pile that I will be diving into tomorrow, so I'm going to hold off on the list until I've finished some of the books that's I've been looking forward to.
My very best wishes to all of you and your families. May you find and remember the joy of the season.
Ho ho ho
Hey Kristin!!
Can't wait to see you!!! Glad all is good!! Merry Christmas! ;)
Can't wait to see you, too!!!!!!
We'll be having a quiet Christmas at home, but the day after, we're traveling to my parents' vacation home in MD where we'll ski. Little Miss got her first taste of snow and she hated it. She may like it more when it's not physically snowing.
I got an early Christmas present in that my cell phone died. My dad bought me a new one. It's very pretty and very modern considering I'm the most technologically backwards person.
Hope everyone has a merry and happy new year!
Wishing you and your family a Christmas filled with love, laughter, good company and great food!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Kristin, Kimberly and all the Fireflies. I hope you are all blessed with some great times with family and friends and some time to snuggle in with a good book or a great movie!
You Rock Kristin! December 1 is my Birthday... what a nice gift to be able to look forward to your new book the next year :)
I'm downloading some of the more beautiful and memorable songs from Firefly Lane for my mom's ipod. Eurythmics, Carole King, Madonna, Springsteen, B.T. Overdrive.... some really fun stuff, not to mention Whitney Houston, Eagles, and Kelly Clarkson...
Merry Christmas! I shall send a pic of me reading one of your fab books. Or maybe all of them...
Also, saw The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. Loved it, loved it. And the music of Glee! is pretty good, even if the plot was kind of slow.
Sooooo glad Evil Russell did not win Survivor... Looking immensely forward to next season, Heroes vs. Villians.
I've fallen behind terribly this year. Normally I've got my presents in my closet by the first week but it's the 22nd and I still haven't bought anything. Wish me luck!
Hello to all!
Kristin, Kim, and all my Firefly friends - - Happy Holidays to you, and yours. May you eat too much, laugh too loud, and cherish this blessed time with those you love!
I have to start by saying the BIGGEST THANK YOU possible, to Kristin. I got my package in the mail on Saturday. It had a note from the postmaster saying "envelope was open upon arrival" ..... of course, all I cared about was my ARC of Winter Garden tucked safely inside; but, I wanted to let you know in case you slipped George Clooney in there, and he got out. =)
I quickly finished what I was reading, and in between hectic Christmas shopping, began reading. All I can say is, WOW. I am barely into this book and I can tell it's going to be one of, if not THE, best book you've written. You are a master story teller, and the historical element is brilliant.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will cherish it always.
I did not get picked for the House Party, and to be honest, that is ok. The date had awful conflicts for me, but I was determined to make it work. Maybe this was God's way of making me focus on the other things, which really are more important. If you can imagine anything being more important than girlfriends and Firefly Lane! HA! I can't wait to follow all of your parties on the site. Please post updates and pictures!
I agree that The Blind Side is awesome! My favorite movie in a long time, by far!
Signing off for now. Peace and Love to all of you!
Hi Kristin - I just wanted to send a quick message to let you know how much I have enjoyed your book "The Things We Do For Love." It is the first book of yours that I have read and believe me it will not be my last. I am a Seattle transplant living in Amarillo, TX and just reading your book brought a little of my beloved Washington State back to me. You are an incredible writer. I now have Summer Island and Comfort and Joy which I can't wait to start. Merry Christmas to you and yours and give theWashington winds a big hug for one of her lost ladies.
Happy Holidays, everyone!!!
Welcome to the club!! I'd suggest as another of Kristin's great read to pick up Firefly Lane. That's what most of us here have read and it is truly amazing. Welcome again!!
P.S. Happy Holidays to everyone!!
Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoyed time with friends and family. Our's is quiet for a change, which is just fine.
My best holiday gift: tickets to the musical "Wicked." My wonderful husband told me he stood in line at 7 a.m. in late October to purchase them -- how sweet! We have great seats! We like to gift each other concert tickets, music and books.
Looked online at both Borders and Amazon and "Winter Garden" is featured on their home page -- terrific. I don't want to wait --will got to the bookstore to purchase it on the release day.
Kimberly, I did pre-order your book and am really looking forward to reading "Lake Magic!" Wish you the best with sales.
An idea occurred to me when a friend sent me something from the Oprah show. Noticed in Oprah's section on "Be on her show," that she is asking viewers to tell her who they'd like to see on her program this year. You all probably know, but I also noticed that Kristin and "True Colors" is mentioned in Oprah's book club section.
Perhaps you've done this before, but thought I'd put out the idea. With "Winter Garden" due out in February, we could go on-line to Oprah's website and suggest that we'd like to see our favorite author, Kristin Hannah, on her show. Those of you selected to host house parties may want to mention that on Jan 30, you will host one of 1,000 Kristin Hannah parties that will be held that night to celebrate sisterhood and the upcoming release of Krsitin's new book. Each entry will be different as we each have something different to say.
Okay, I have worked public relations for over 30 yrs, so my mind sees opportunities. So, now I'll wait and see how good of a shot Kristin is from Washington to Dayton. Please remember Kristin, my suggestions are done with with love and support for your work! :)
Christmas was the best. I cannot stop listening to Susan Boyle. That magnificent voice. And all her comments about the songs were about believing in your dreams. What an inspiration.
And I'm reading Susan Wiggs' Lakeshore Christmas. She's so good. You guys should totally read Home Before Dark and Table for Five.
And.... I'm thinking about love, and imagining the possibilities. I hope you can do the same.
Firefly Cheers,
I have Lake Magic in my shopping cart. I also picked up a lot of clearance Christmas lights for next year. :) I'll probably buy Winter Garden next month. I have a sizable B&N gift certificate as well as a nice Christmas bonus waiting to be spent.
We're snowed in at my parents' place, but back to the grindstone on Wednesday (as I had to call in tomorrow for the snow).
Hope everyone had a great holiday! We had a good one though Little Miss had a stomach bug the day after Christmas. She's all recovered now.
I'm still reading Bel Canto and enjoying it. I'll go back to Olive Kitteridge afterwards.
I can't wait to hear about all the House Parties so I can live vicariously.
I am so so glad you are loving Winter Garden. We writers aren't supposed to have favorite books (of our own, that is); they're supposed to be like our children. We should love them all for their own unique merits. But truth be told, I ADORE Winter Garden. It is the first of my own books that actually made ME cry. And given the personal connection I have to FL, that's something. Let me know how you feel when you're done. And sorry...no George Clooney in the original packaging....:)
You are a GENIUS!!!! How cool would that be--an Oprah episode with the fireflies, me, and the house party hostesses...I can tell you spent all those years in PR. I hope people jump on this idea. Maybe someone could post the idea on Facebook, too. It would be SO GREAT to actually get to meet...
Happy holidays xoxo
Kim's book is in my basket, too. I'm as excited as the rest of you to read it. She's kept it hidden from me. I can't wait!!! Also, tell me what you think of bel canto???
Hey Kristin,
Long time no hear from me.. :) I saw the cover art for Winter Garden in my Audiobook Catalog, and then I had to come check out my favorite author's site! I didn't realize how LONG it has been since I have been to the blog.. I am currently listening to The Help by Kathryn Stockett, and this book is totally ROCKING. The voices are SO authentic. I heard that she has sold the movie rights and that the voiceover that does Minny has reportedly been cast to play Minny in the movie. It will be really neat to see this book come to life!
I can't wait for February to read your latest, either. It seems such a departure in a lot of ways from your previous books, but I think it will be quite enjoyable.
I hope your holidays were wonderful. I am looking forward to 2010. Lots of hopes for things to happen for the nation, including better economy, better financials for everyone because the economy has sucked for far too long..
Happy New Year! Wishing everybody who reads this blog the best that 2010 has to offer!
Linda, I loved The Help. It sparked a total mainstream fiction phase for me. I lent it to my mother who doesn't read much fiction at all.
Kristin, I'm enjoying the narrative of Bel Canto. I like it, but I don't love it. I can't put my finger on why. I think it's because of the inevitable ending.
I'm also in big trouble if Winter Garden made you cry. I'm not always a big cryer when reading, but there's always some weird, small scene that gets to me. In The Help it was one line at the very end (much like one almost forgettable line in Angel Falls which gets me every time). So, I'm in for it, I'm sure.
Little Miss had a bout with the stomach bug after Christmas but she rallied back. She was totally spoiled at Christmas. Plus, we heard good news that Little Miss will soon be an older cousin which will be a hoot to see next year. :)
FYI: If you don't have True Colors yet, it's $3.99 at Barnes & Noble for the hardcover. Nice deal!
I just received Lake Magic in the mail along with a big box-o-books for the house party. I guess this means I better get planning. :)
I'm looking forward to reading Winter Garden but am trying to decide if I read it now with the arc or if I wait for the hardcover. I sort of want to wait so I can discuss it with people. :)
That's always difficult. It's impossible to wait but it's frustrating not to have anybody with whom to discuss! I say read it and then read it again when it's released in hardcover.
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