I will never complain about weather here again...
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey everyone!
I'm home from what my husband and I are now calling the "winter storm tour." You thought it was the Winter Garden tour. Oh no. Everywhere we went, it was cold, cold, cold. Honestly, I started to think I was bad luck. We landed in Chicago, and the snow immediately started to fall. If that wasn't enough, there was an EARTHQUAKE. Really. I'm not joking. The great news in Chicago was that I had an absolutely wonderful signing at Borders--and met some fabulous women for a little party before the signing. Thanks so much to the women who drove all the way from St. Louis for the event. I was worried about you driving home, and I was seriously impressed that you dared the road trip with snow falling.
From downtown Chicago, I headed to Naperville (which, I discover now is the hometown of Evan Lysacek--as a major Olympics junkie, I find that very cool). One of my favorite independent bookstores in the country, Anderson's, is on one of the most beautiful little suburban streets I've ever seen. The Anderson employees are really special to me--they embraced my books years and years ago, well before most people even knew who I was. So, thanks to Anderson's for a fun-filled event and a great crowd. And thanks to my Anderson's mystery guest--the fabulous, generous, talented Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I have discovered that Susan can literally make a booksigning fun just by showing up--I really think we should tour together. I have never laughed so much in a single day...
Then is was off to sunny Atlanta, where I had a TELEVISION interview. I should have brought my camera--that would have been the smart thing to do--but, of course, I was too nervous about the whole thing to think ahead. It wasn't just any tv, either--it was a network early morning show. Good Day Atlanta. I was worried about all of it--where to look, what to say, how to respond...oh, let's face it, I was worried about how I'd look at eight in the morning in High Def. :) Thank God, there was a make up artist who worked some early morning magic and even better, the host of the show, a lovely woman named Karen, actually GUSHED about the book. She immediately put me at ease by saying that she intended to skim Winter Garden and ended up reading it all at one sitting and crying... Phew!
By the time we left the tv station, the radios were started to predict snow. That's right. Snow in Atlanta. The storm of the decade was the line passed around. Again, we were bad luck. By the time I went to the signing, the predictions had increased, and once again, I want to thank the gutsy women who dared to drive into town. I'd especially like to thank my Mystery Guest--Emily Giffin. It was incredibly cool to get to meet her. She was great! If you haven't read Emily yet, look for Heart of the Matter coming soon...
They closed the Atlanta airport about thirty minutes after our plane took off...
From Atlanta, we were off to one of my favorite cities in the world: New York. There, I got to spend some time with the fabulous, talented, passionate, intelligent people who publish my novels. I am so lucky to be a part of this team, honestly. I've been in the business a long time, and I can't tell you how rocking it is to be published by people who love books as much as I do. I also had one of my best ever event signings on Long Island. A big crowd, great women, unusual questions--lots of fun! And yes, it was snowing!
After New York, my husband and I went to the airport again. Once again, we were seconds ahead of a storm. It was snowing in Detroit and Ann Arbor, but by now we hardly cared. We had a fun lunch with the "team" from Borders--and what's better than a bunch of women talking about the books we love? I had a blast. I also had a GREAT signing at the Borders in Ann Arbor. So thanks to everyone who showed up!
When we got home, it was sunny and 57 degrees. Let me say that again: sunny! I will never complain about our weather again. Okay. That's probably a lie. I no doubt will complain again--when the mist and rain and gray go on forever, but I hope I remember that its COLD in the rest of the country during the winter. But even with all of the bad weather and delayed flights and shivering moments, I have to say that it was so fun to meet so many of you. Honestly, I have the best readers in the world. We're so much alike. So often, I could talk longer than we actually have. I guess that's what the blog and facebook is for. Many of you mentioned on the road that you read the blog but didn't post. Dive in, I say! Join the firefly conversation. :)
Those of you who read this blog enough to know me, must know that I was on tour during a terrible time for me. LOST was on. Survivor started. And the OLYMPICS. Am I the only one who is an absolute Olympics junkie? I literally love the show and can't get enough of it. I laugh, I cry, I dream. Mostly, I cry. When Shaun White did his amazing, unbelievable "victory lap" with his secret jump--cried. When Apolo talked about the hard time he put his father through--cried--and then he skates like a champion--cried. Lindsay Vonn, fighting past pain to kick ass--cried. Johnny Weir, skating the program of his life, to music that moved me--cried. Yeah, you don't want to watch the Olympics with me. :)
In a stream of consciousness way, here are my pop culture thoughts for the missing two weeks. The survivor "heroes" are disappointing me...LOST is exactly what I expected and I LOVE it. I don't worry at all that they'll screw it up and I am willing to follow them anywhere, because they're telling a killer story and originality takes a commitment...I can't wait to watch Apolo skate again tonight...I totally love the Alice in Wonderland trailer and will be first in line to watch the movie...and just for the record, my personal choices for Best Pic for the Oscars are District Nine and Inglorious Basterds. Both were original, different, and relevant. What are your choices?
Finally, thanks to all of you who bought, talked about, blogged about, and/or recommended Winter Garden and True Colors. In all my years in this business, I have never felt so...embraced by readers. It's awesome to see how much people are loving Winter Garden. As you know, it's my favorite book so far, and I love discovering that I'm not alone in feeling that way. Thanks to all of you, I currently have three books on the New York Times list. At once. I still have to pinch myself when I hear that news. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Now, I better run, because the Olympics are starting. :) In the words of the great Aerosmith, I don't wanna miss a thing.
One last question---what are you reading now?
Almost done with Winter Garden. Most likely will immediately reread. So many questions I can't even ask. And Mom keeps asking me, "Is it better than True Colors"? I say, it is breathtaking and I can't wait to see what happens.
I feel bad for Stephanie on Survivor-- Why is James so MEAN?
I felt bad for sugar, though, too.
I'd like to have seen Extraordinary Measures.
Love your books so much!!! I have Winter Garden downloaded to my e reader but I haven't gotten to it yet. I've been plowing through Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Almost done though, then it's Winter Garden!
I just started reading "Winter Garden." I am excited to read more.
Do you think any of your books will be made into a movie? I'd love that, as long as it's done right!
I got True Colors today as a birthday gift from my mom! She and I share the Hannah fever as we call it :) she insists to read it first though :( But I have three other books I need to work on so that's good. All together the page count is 1426. I'm reading Un Lun Dun (say it fast, you'll get it then) by China Mieville, The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran (she also wrote Nefertiti, I finished that book in a weekend) and The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. And you aren't alone with the Olympics, it's a ritual at my house, we all gather around the TV when it's on. The fun thing is Curling as on this afternoon so, me and my mom are a bit mean, and we just sat there brainstorming that ways it could have been invented and screaming 'BROOM, BROOM, CURL!'. Ah, good times.
I'll admit here (blogged about it). I'm not an Olympics person. If it was up to me, I wouldn't watch at all, but it has been on almost every night in our house. Therefore, I've been reading like a mad person. I read Wench for book club, a Gena Showalter book (she's new to me) and haven't decided what to read next. I kind of want to read Joe Hill's new book or perhaps Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. I know, totally different.
We're gaining momentum with getting the Seppies to read your books. Unfortunately, a good number of them like their books very happy all the time so it's hard to get them to read a tear jerker, even one with a happy ending. Still, those who don't mind are loving Winter Garden and the older books they've checked out. There were a few of us and obviously SEP who have been fans for awhile.
I am still waiting for Winter Garden from the library! I am currently reading The Lightning Thief with my fantasy book club at the school where I teach.
Glad your tour went so well!!
Congratulations on Winter Garden ranking #4 of the NYT best seller list. I am not surprised! Your winter tour, snow and all, was sooo appropriate and true to your novel! And, you created your own winter memories to share with all of us -- and I loved reading them!
Most shocking for me, was I lost my husband to Kristin Hannah for several snowy days! I walked into our den and found Ward, reading Winter Garden. He loved it!
His comments: "Your novel kept me in suspense and I couldn't put it down." "It was gripping storytelling and held me spellbound. It introduced me to a period of history I knew little about."
When he finished "Winter Garden," he picked up "True Colors" and read it in one day. He couldn't put it down. Now, this is someone inclined to read nonfiction authors like John Spong, Marcus Borg, Deepak Chopra, and Wayne Dyer for light reading. He asked what else I thought he'd like of your books. I couldn't be more pleasantly surprised!
I'm reading Greg Mortenson's new book, "Stones for Schools." I'm a big proponent of his work locally, saw him speak at OSU last fall, and he'll be in Dayton on April at Wright State University.
When I'm done, I plan to read Rebecca Well's "The Crowning Glory of Calla Lilly Ponder." Then will re-read Winter Garden. Also want to read a book April recommended, "Sarah's Key."
April -- hope you read Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society -- it's among my very favorite reads.
Have watched the Olympics, mostly the ice skating, dancing, skiing etc. I was a skater for many years and prefer the more artistic sports.
I can't believe it, but I have been watching "American Idol," after my unkind comments last summer. Love Fox's new Past Life show on Thursday night.
Admittedly I have only recently discovered the amazing worlds you create. As a general rule I like to read all older books (not necessarily in order) before the new stuff. So far have read Between Sisters, True Colors, and just finished Firefly Lane. Can't wait to get more. I also have watched the Olympics every night they've been on and slept through my alarm cause I was up late watching Shaun White. As for the current read: Not sure. Just finished Firefly Lane and might reread Twilight or The Last Lecture (Randy Pausch). Really passing time until May when My Fair Lazy by Jen Lancaster comes out.
It was so great meeting you, Kristin, in Ann Arbor, MI. I wouldn't have missed the opportunity, whether we had 3 feet of snow or just a dusting. I can't wait for your next book to hit the stores. In the meantime, I'm reading through Elin Hilderbrand's collection which I'm almost done with already!
I too am disappointed in the Heroes of Survivor, they better step up because I want a bunch of those Villians GONE - especially Russell! I too am loving LOST but will be extremely sad and know the tears will be flowing when the final episode airs :(
I am just finishing "Precious" by Sapphire. Yes, the one that the movie is based on. Raw and emotionally moving.
What am I reading now you ask? Nothing.
Let me tell you why. The characters from Winter Garden have taken over my head. I can't shake the story. I miss the characters.
I loved this book!!! I have passed it on to one of my friends. I can't wait to have a book discussion with all of the women who came to my Kristin Hannah houseparty. Three of us have now read Winter Garden. Can't wait to hear their feedback. Best Book yet Kristin!!!
Hi Kristin! Loved meeting you in Atlanta--and loved your book more. It is fabulous, so satisfying...
Emily Giffin
(Thanks for the Naperville shout-out! My hometown!)
Finished Winter Garden last night...sobbing at the end. I couldn't get to sleep because I was casting the movie in my head. If ever there was a book suited to cinema, this is it...although the cost of filming on location in Africa, the Soviet Union, Alaska and Washington might be a bit prohibitive, LOL! I will pass it along to the women in my writers' group, and to many dear friends.
As a writerI appreciate so many of the elements of this book, but most of all, I love how the city of Leningrad took on a character all its own, Vera/Anya's wilted flower of a city, slowly dying and crumbling as the Germans invade.
What a wonderful book!
I also loved Firefly Lane, so am now on a quest to read more of your work. Truly inspirational.
As for other recently-read books...Invisible by Hugues de Montalembert (a quick read and excellent fodder for creative minds).
Continued success...from a new fan!
Janet P.
I'm Speechless.
Novel? Is that what they're calling Winter Garden? To me, it's so much larger than life and it took on a life of its own.
A book about lions and butterflies, about how it hurts to love and hurts even more not to...
Patricia, didn't Greg Mortenson write Three Cups of Tea? I have that at home. I did start Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society this past weekend. I'll see how I enjoy it. I've only heard good things. Also, I've gotten my husband to read 2 Jill Barnett books and a Susan Elizabeth Phillips book. It's nice to share interests. I also realized that we have absolutely different tastes when it comes to heroes and heroines. Plus, he made fun of my favorite character so now I don't share my books.
Meant to add about movies that in a rush to see as many Oscar films as possible, I'm going to see Crazy Heart this week. I'm not sure I'll be able to see more before the big day, but seeing as I only saw one last year, I'm in better shape this year. Most will arrive by Netflix 2 days after the awards of course.
Find everyone's comments very interesting. When can we begin discussing the book -- I haven't wanted to spoil it for those who haven't read it.
Wish Kristin could do a webcast where we could tune in and talk. I know, I know, it is probably costly. But, many I've participated in with authors like Caroline Myss, charge a $15-25 fee for those wishing to participate. Another thought.
Yes, April, Greg Mortenson wrote Three Cups of Tea. You might find it interesting to go to his website "Pennies for Peace" and click on the box "tool kit." It will take you to a wonderful video he and his daughter, Amira, did together in Pakistan. Have the Dayton International Peace Museum promoting is school curriculum as a peace project for teachers.
It is nice to read and share books with your spouse. We have both different and common interests. But, never dreamed Ward would enjoy Kristin's books so much!
Maybe we can have a post where we can discuss the book with spoilers. The comments are hidden until you get past the original post. So, the body of the entry could say SPOILERS and we can discuss in the comments.
The more time that passes, the more I'll forget. :)
I'll check out the website, Patricia. Am I ok to read Three Cups of Tea first out of his books though? You know, if I don't give it to my mom for her birthday which is originally why I purchased. hehehe
Finished Winter Garden a few days before my step-father was hospitalized for a heart attack (on Valentine's Day) and underwent quintuple bypass surgery a few days later. I had passed it along to my sister (his daughter) a few days later, who started reading it right away, and then asked me if she should wait to continue. I told her that would probably be a good idea. He's doing well now, expected to be released from the hospital within a day or two.
Again, Kristin, you pulled me into another world with a beautiful story of love lost and found again. I cried, laughed, cried and sobbed.
LOVE watching the Olympics. Shaun White, Apolo Ohno, Lindsay Vonn, Bode Miller... Go Team USA!! And Canada... and Russia... and ... Go WORLD!!
Just finished Amy Foster's When Autumn Leaves - I want more!!
Love love love Will North's The Long Walk Home.
I am reading True Colors right now. I like about 100 pages to finish it. I am absolutely hooked. Can't wait to get home from work and read at night!!!
Tonight I will be doing that during the commercials of American Idol. I know, I can't believe I am watching either!!
Kristin, I am definitely hooked on your books and can't wait to read more!!
April - Like your idea about a post where we can discuss the book with spoilers -- but I am not computer savvy.
Three Cups of Tea was the first book and could be read first. Stones for Schools picks up where Three Cups of Tea leaves off and is more current -- but you could read it without reading the first book. The video I suggested would give you a sense of the work. Am not sure I answered your question.
Kristin, I am so sorry about your step-father. My prayers are with you and your family. My husband underwent the procedure 8 yrs ago and he was up and around in a few weeks. The technology is so much more sophisticated. I wish you all the best!
Kim -- While waiting to get some of my Hannah books back from my neighbor, my husband picked up Lake Magic and is half way through. I'm in shock! Your book cover caught his eye, and he really is enjoying the story. He told me to tell you he is impressed that this is your first novel and said you show a lot of talent and promise.
So many great book recommendations! I can see that the stacks by my bed will be growing!! And I agree with Melissa and Janet--Kristin's books need to be made into movies. How I would love to see that. And I've love
Love the Olympics--dislike how late they are on. I find myself nodding off every night no matter how hard I try to stay awake.
April and Patricia--love the idea of a SPOILERS post so we can discuss Winter Garden. It's been soooo hard for me to stay quiet. (Shocking, I know. LOL) Kristin, what do you say? Can we start a blog thread for us that are dying to discuss all the wonderfulness of WG?!?! Please, please, please.
I wasn't sure how I would feel about American Idol without Paula. I miss her but am surprised by how well Ellen seems to be fitting in. But next year without Paula AND Simon?! I don't know...
I'm cracking up over the "I lost my husband to Kristin Hannah" comment. Toooo funny. Always at Kristin's signings several men attend and I remember one gentleman saying he didn't understand why her novels were referred to as Women Fiction. He said they had a much broader appeal. I couldn't agree more. How wonderful your husband took a chance and found hours of enjoyment. And please tell Ward THANK YOU for the incredibly kind comments about Lake Magic.
I am so happy to hear your stepfather is doing well. What a scary time for all of you!
And I'm with you on the Olympics--Go World! So amazing to watch these incredibly talented athletes. But am I the only one who finds the human interest stories more compelling than the actual competition? I'm always amazed at what people overcome to achieve their dreams.
Whooooo Hoooooooo!! WINTER GARDEN enters its third week on the New York Times. And The Things We Do For Love has also joined the Trade list. So wonderful!!
Last night, my mom handed me Winter Garden, and said, "I'm not going to tell you a thing about it, except that I think this is a very special book." I'd just started reading Of Bees and Mist, but I had to read just the first chapter of Winter Garden...or so I thought! I finished it this afternoon, and as soon as I could trust my voice I called my mom to thank her.
We've read your books since the beginning, Kristin, and it always feels like reading tales of ourselves, our neighbors, our lives here in the great PNW. Reading your newest is always a treat. Winter Garden, though, is something quite a bit more, somehow - as my mom said, "a very special book". Thank you for this amazing, inspiring story, and amazing characters!
I'll be reading Of Bees and Mist again, but I'm not ready to go back to it just yet. Anya and her story are still very much with me...I'm going to pass it to a dear friend tomorrow and it's going on the book club list!!!
The Olympics have been on my schedule since I watched Nadia get the first perfect "10" in '76 when I was 15. I cry at the opening, and throughout the whole competition - fully expect lots of sniffles at the closing. It's sooo inspirational, and I know it's sappy, but I just feel so much a part of something big and more important than politics!
As Winter Garden hit the bestseller list, the nook eprice dropped significantly. I'm contemplating a second copy. I'm a giant loser in that way.
Anyway, what I came on to say is that I went to DC last night and there is a firefly restaurant. I took a photo of the sign and a picture of me in front of the restaurant. I'll have to put it on Facebook later this week. :) Don't know what kind of food it is, but it looked all fancy schmancy.
So many great book recommendations! I just finished The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Great book!
April, I enjoyed the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It took me a little while to get used to using letters to tell the story, but it was fun. And I have also read Three Cups of Tea. It's a stand alone book, as far as I can tell. It's interesting. My bookclub had a fun time discussing him and the book. Apparently he's a huge donor to a private school near where I live.
I want to read Orange Mint and Honey and I have Laura Kinsale's latest as an ebook since I'm test driving a friend's Nook.
I don't have cable so we didn't watch a lot of the Olympics, but I'm from British Columbia so I did catch what I could. I'm so proud of my country right now. For the athletes who did amazing and for the people who embodied in every way what it means to be Canadian. :)
Oooh, Naomi, I have Orange Mint and Honey. I also have a signed bookplate for it. I won it on Farrah Rochon's site. It looks very good, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Very pretty cover though. I'm enjoying Guernsey a lot more than I expected and laughed out loud. I'll finish it this month, but I had to put it down for some Roarke and McNab. :)
OMG Kristin!
I just finished listening to Winter Garden, and I have to tell you that even though it has been a day or two since the book was done, my mind can't stop thinking about the book! The reader for your audiobooks, Susan Eriksen, totally ROCKED Anya's voice and the Russian accent. I love listening to the books that she reads for Brilliance Audio, but she did this one so incredibly real. It was like she used her voice to paint the mental picture of each of your characters but especially Anya, and you could hear the tears in her voice, the anger, the "mommy" voice, the loving Sasha voice, all of them the same but different with the intonation that she used. If you have never listened to an audiobook, everyone should listen to this one if no other.
Your writing, as usual, was superb! This book was nothing short of brilliant, and I applaud your penmanship! If I had not ever read your works before, just starting to read your books with this one, this book would have sent me to my favorite place to get my audiobooks to find every one that you have written all over again.
Thank you for this wonderful read. It was awesome, heart breaking, and very loving all at the same time.. Is that possible? :) I know that I will re-read this book so many times over the coming years, and I know that each time I will come away with something totally different, with a new set of fresh tears towards the end..
Take care,
Your books have always touched my heart in a very special way, but Winter Garden moved me to tears each time I put it down. Its one of those unique reads that will stay in my soul long after it's gone back to the library. Thank you!
I received True Colors as a birthday gift. I read it within three weeks. It is the first complete book I have read in several years. I quit a pretty intense job in July and have decided to retire. I was too tired to read much except for professional requirements till now. In the past I read a lot. I consider myself a pretty good judge of a "good read". True Colors was that and so much more. Thanks Ms Hannah your book was just gentle enough to get me started. I purchased Winter Garden today. I will write again not to compare but to remind our author regular folks pick up books for all kinds of simple reasons and she is good at speaking to us all
I absolutely LOVED Winter Garden, but that's no surprise. I have loved all the books I've read by you. I have even gotten both my sisters and my best friend into reading your books. They love them almost as much as I do. I cried all the way through Winter Garden and had an incredably hard time putting the book down. It was one of those books that when you finish reading it, you're disappointed it's over.
Winter Garden was my favorite so far! What an amazing story! I am always disappointed when I come to the end of a book like this one, I want it to keep going!! I have felt like that with EVERY one of your books that I have read. Between Sisters, Firefly Lane, True Colors, On Mystic Lake, The Things we do for Love.....
I have noticed that you put out about 1 book per year, which I wish was more!! I have since started reading some of your older books and love them too. Thank you for telling these amazing stories....can't wait for the next one!!!
Kristin- I found my first "Hannah" book a few weeks ago (True Colors)and now, I have ordered 2 more and purchased and have 100 pages left of "the things we do for love". I have to tell you that I was struggling and I think your books saved me. I was drowning in the sea of blah. I was depressed and exhausted with everyday life and I left like I was living a true life story of Groundhog's day. I dreaded getting out of bed and have had knots in my stomach for about 6 years. Getting lost in your stories has saved me and inspired me and made me happy again. I haven't found a great author in really long time and I had sworn of fiction. I thought my favorite pastime of getting lost in a good book was dead. I was reading a lot of non-fiction for my job. So I tried to fill the "void" with self-help inspirational books, but it did not work, what did work was True Colors. I always have something to look forward to now, I have "my page turner" to get back to. Then, I found your website and your story and it is so very inspiring. Maybe, I'll take out a pen and start writing again too.
Thank you Kristin.
I have read True Colors and Winter garden in two weeks and just started Firefly Lane. I loved every moment of True Colors and Winter Garden and can't wait to go through Firefly Lane!!! I truly love your books and have entered into the zone called "Book Worm..."
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