Hey everyone---
My tour dates for Winter Garden and True Colors are finally in. Check out the latest news for dates and cities and stores. I hope to see you all there!
And here are the book covers I mentioned in the last post but couldn't manage to show you!
I checked out the tour dates, I with I still lived in Beaverton, I could have gone to the Cedar Hills Crossing Powell's books and seen you! Darn Arizona!!! But at least I get you're book for my birthday. By the way, Nice job Kimberly and Megan!! Hope everything goes well with your books!
Wow, Kristin. I just saw your tour dates. You are going to be one busy author. And NY?! I didn't know you were going to New York. Lucky. Lucky. :)
For those of you who haven't yet read Megan Chance--you are in for a treat! So talented!!! Ten years after a book of hers was published, a workshop presenter still used it as an example of a writer's voice. Megan is that powerful of an author.
Finally, a day without rain here. Knowing it could be the last dry day I see for quite some time, I dead-headed (is that the right word?) my roses and hydrangea bushes. My poor garden looks so neglected. What is everyone else up to?
Yeah -- received your book yesterday! Was gone all day and it was a nice surprise. Have read the first 3 chapters.
You have rain -- for two plus weeks we've had nothing but snow, and snow and more snow! We get hit again tonight! And, the temperatures are hovering around a high of 14-16 degrees. Good book reading time!
Kristin -- you do have a busy schedule. Good luck with the weather -- especially Chicago.
I can guarantee you I'm not gardening.
It's freezing out here so mostly trying to stay warm. I'm waiting on 2 book deliveries from B&N and Overstock (one being Kim's). I finished Sarah's Key which was incredibly sad, but I liked it overall (had some nitpicks, but overall not bad).
Oh, I also bought the nook (B&N's eReader). My mom gave me a ton of gift cards for one and I felt like if I didn't buy one, she'd ask what I did with all the money. So, I'm looking forward to that delivery in February.
As for movies, I saw Sherlock Holmes yesterday and had a good time.
The boy just had a business trip in NYC where he got to meet all kinds of famous folk and next goes to Vegas so Little Miss and I have been bonding. We're having a Girls' Night In this weekend. I think we're watching movies and eating. Not necessarily in that order. :)
I'm so excited...
I'm going to meet you Kristin if I can get to the City :)
On a bad note, I got suspended from nwork and I may see this as an opportunity to change direction.
At least there's a lot of good books coming out.
Just a quick note to let everyone know Kristin is hard at work reading the Winter Memories Contest entries. We were hoping to announce a winner at the beginning of the month, but the response to the contest was amazing. So many wonderful stories! Just as soon as she can, Kristin will announce a winner.
And to every Firefly who has cheered me on and given Lake Magic their support...THANK YOU. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! How fun it's been to be able to share this publishing process/experience with all of you. Fireflies definitely do ROCK!!!!
Glad you're coming to Redmond, WA again this year. See you there on Feb 18!
Kim, I started Lake Magic last night and am enjoying it thoroughly. I cannot wait to be done with work so I can get home and keep reading. :)
Kristin, I wish you could stop over in Minneapolis on your tour. Oh well. :) I hope you enjoy every moment!
We're in our winter thaw here, where the weather sneaks back up to freezing. LOL! After this week I expect it to be grey and cold just like it's been for a while. No gardening here!
Thank you so much Patricia, April, & Naomi. I hope you like LM.
Hmmmm, snow or rain. I'm trying to decide what is worse. LOL The ponds surrounding my house are FULL and I'm wondering if our driveway will soon be flooded. But at least I can drive in the rain. Not so in the snow. I'm a park it and stay put gal. Hope you are all doing okay. And every time I start to get grumbly about the weather, I think of all those people in Haiti. Oh my. My heart just breaks for them.
Wow! I really love your new novel -- you're on your way! I'm only half way through (Haiti has taken me away from reading) and you have me hooked. Your characters are quite colorful. It really is a unique story and great storytelling. I don't want to say too much as I don't want to spoil it for anyone else. Will write more when I'm finished and others have had a chance to finish. Can't wait to see the twists and turns in the end. Good for you!
Upon recommendation, I ordered Prima Donna. It arrived yesterday. I can't promise I'll read it quickly, but I do promise to read it. :) I'll report back when I do.
You need to come to Richmond, VA for book signings. I would LOVE to meet you. I can't to read Winter Garden
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